Two years ago, his life turned upside down. A boyish mischief, for which he paid with the entire lower part of his body. Fortunately, the doctors managed to save him. Daniel Křeček has had countless operations, won his life back, learned to live in a wheelchair and found a girlfriend, now he has to fight for his life again. His spine is pressing against his intestines, wherefore he needs a special positioning wheelchair. He asks the public for help and shares his story.
I did something stupid. What happened was that my friend and I climbed onto a train car and I was hit by an electric discharge.
It was a disconnected tanker. We had twenty minutes to kill before our train home arrived. We were taking pictures at the station and saw a parked train car, so we thought we could try to climb on it and take a photo.
In an arc, the current flew out of the wires and switched to me. It shot right through me in that moment. I was completely out, I was unconscious. I fell on my back between the cars and broke my spine. And when I landed, I started burning.
My friend told me that he'd climbed back down from the car and started extinguishing me with his hands and jacket. Then he ran quickly to the station for help, shouting that his friend was on fire. Someone ran back with him and they called an ambulance. Afterwards they took me to the hospital and then quickly flew me by helicopter to Vinohrady.
It has become part of it. I can't turn back the clock, it was a boyish mischief for which I paid, I think, a high price. I have no choice but to live with it. And I have to say I'm trying. I try to live a relatively normal life. Just like everyone else, but without legs.
Over time. After this, I was in Motol at the spinal unit, where I learned to operate a wheelchair. Then I went to Kladruby, where three bedsores appeared on my body. That gave me a blood poisoning, so they took me back to the hospital in a serious condition. And afterwards it was one thing after another.
The bladder is gone, but I'm not missing any important organs. I have kidneys, liver, practically like a normal person. Only the bottom is missing, the pelvis and everything with it.
When I got back from the hospital and everything was more or less fine, I went to stay with my grandparents. I was at home for a while, I was visiting my friends. One day Týna contacted me so we could meet and talk. Since then, we started seeing each other and gradually it grew into a relationship. We've been together for two years now.
We haven't considered a family yet, we don't want any children for now, we'll see in the future. We would both like a wedding, but there is still time.
Through stored genetic material. I'm not sure if there is any, but my doctor and I also discussed it and the bank that stores the genetic material said they would pay for it. Then we didn't talk about it anymore, I don't know the details.
Your girlfriend is a student, you are on a disability pension. What are your plans for the future? You said you wanted to do business together.
I haven't really felt like it yet. I think that course might be enough for me... (laughs). But it's true that I could finish high school. But I admit I've never been much of a study type.
I was at a special driving school. It was harder because of the coronavirus, but I made it. Now I can drive, I bought a special car and I can drive.
At first, I didn't want the electric one at all so I can keep my hands busy. I've recently learned that I will need an electric one after all.
They make them here in the Czech Republic as well, but the one from Switzerland is good in that it would fit in my car, it's more compact. If I bought it here in Czech Republic, the ones currently produced here are very large, it wouldn't fit in my car and I would be forced to buy a transporter, which is much more expensive. It would cost me just as much, so I prefer to keep my car to bying a transporter that I might not even be able to drive.
Yes. If there is a situation where I have to go alone, I will keep the mechanical one, because I can get in with it myself.
At the beginning, when it started, we paid attention to safety, we didn't go out much. From what I've seen lately, I'm not afraid that much anymore.
Girlfriend Kristýna: But the amount of times he was under has probably some consequences. He keeps forgetting things and it's not just because he's a guy. We've read somewhere that anesthesia can cause this.
Yes, I made sort of a game out of it. When I go to the operating room and they have to put me to sleep, I fight it like crazy and try not to fall asleep. I have a record of nine seconds (laughs).
They were aware of each other but they didn't really talk much, no. Týna's parents know my grandmother and grandfather because they live in Křemice. They know my mother too, because she hung out with Týna's sister when she was a child. It's quite interconnected.
There are a lot of stories. I fell out of the wheelchair before Olympia, it was badly done there, badly evened out. I got stuck on it and was thrown out of the wheelchair. Or when I messed up and drove up a bigger curb. I staggered when I was already in the air and fell. Some gentleman driving around braked until the tires screeched, asked me if I needed help, that was nice.
What are people's reactions when they find out about your situation? That you are not "only" paralyzed, but have no legs at all?
Rather, I think the people around me are afraid to say anything so as not to hurt me, to offend me. I've come to terms with everything and I'm fine, but people who don't know that are afraid of offending me, they act reserved.
There are people on Facebook who say all kinds of things, but I completely ignore it. I laugh at it, it makes my day better, I don't think about it.
When Týna's friend shared the fund-raiser post, some guy had the guts to comment that she should buy me some legs so I could climb on that train car again. There are various comments, but I don't worry about any of them.
Yes. The insurance company won't pay for it, and I really need it. In addition to being able to save my life, which I have already fought for so much, it will also help me to become more self-sufficient. I recently went on a trip with my mother to Železná Ruda. But there was snow. I wasn't able to ride on it alone. My mother had to help me all the time, to push me. I felt so helpless. You can't imagine. I wanted to cry. If I had this special wheelchair, I wouldn't need any help.
Thanks to the good people, to whom I am grateful very much, we have already collected a little over half a million CZK. Whoever wants, can donate any amount to a transparent account at Komerční banka, the number is 123-2992890227/0100.