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We won't be singing anytime soon.

FAIR AND SQUARE: Superstar ended, colonel's here. The speaker era begins... even in church!

Anděla Vostrá
05.Oct 2020
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Doesn't it seem strange to you that as soon as Adam Vojtěch stepped down as Minister of Health and soldier Roman Prymula took the post, we had less and less of a reason to sing? Literally. I understand that Vojtěch didn't sing so well, but why can't the rest of us sing, who do it a bit better? It is said that it makes the coronavirus spread faster. So singers and actors in musicals, opera singers, and speaking of which, even those poor children in schools can't sing anymore. And if you go to church on Sunday, no one will hear your voice there either.

Only from the speaker and up to a hundred

The Church, of course, respects government regulations, like all other institutions, and like most individuals. However, in these uncertain times, for many, faith is the only thing they cling to, and singing is part of it. During pain and suffering, many sing their grief to heaven. Many artists have created many hits during their suffering. And I could go on.

It's nice that participation in the church is allowed, not like in spring, when everything was closed. You can go to church, with a maximum of a hundred people, everyone must sit, far enough apart. If there is any music, it is from the speaker.

"Liturgical singing can be practiced, but only through a loudspeaker system, while the cantor themself is in a space structurally separated from the assembled people or without a loudspeaker also from a space structurally separated,"

warns the faithful auxiliary bishop and vicar general Zdeněk Wasserbauer from the Prague Archbishopric.

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Kněz během bohoslužby.
Kněz během bohoslužby.Source:

Pronájem bytu 3+kk - Praha 1 - 108
Pronájem bytu 3+kk - Praha 1 - 108, Praha 1

Rap instead of singing?

Priest Martina Kopecká of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church in the Old Town and in Strašnice considers the current situation to be a new experience, which, however, does not have to be bad. People realize what they used to have and maybe didn't value that much. And maybe we will see new and interesting innovations from the clergy; judge for yourself from what Martina told me:

"From Monday, October 5, there will be no singing of songs or liturgy during the service, not even from the priest. The dialogue between the pastor and the faithful will take place in a recited form accompanied by an organ, as we are used to. By this we mean that the health and safety of people is a priority for us. Since the spring of 2020, when churches were completely closed, many people have realized the importance of their spiritual life, their hope, and faith. Our parish team does a lot of work remotely, by phone. Restricting singing is to some extent an intervention, but it makes sense and it isn't forever. Singing is part of our liturgical life, it is a form of prayer, and it is in moments when we cannot - sing, embrace, shake hands - that we realize how precious it is to us. There were also jokes on the Internet that pastors could rap during the service. It will be a new experience for me personally, I am used to fully singing the liturgy, but I am honestly curious how I will perceive this unusual form for me and I look forward to it. I am glad that, despite the hardships of this time, we can meet and look for a safe way to experience spiritual life."

Don't sing, don't spit, rap

In any case, I do not want to defend "Roman of the Prymuls". His statements and decisions sometimes don't make much sense, and it looks more like bullying than trying to protect the people. What is certain, however, is that the situation regarding the coronavirus is not good and the infection needs to be slowed down so that the healthcare system does not collapse. So friends, you'd better rap or recite, but just don't sing for a few days now, so you don't squirt too much on others.

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Rapper Eminem se zpěvákem DrakemSource:

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