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Drive-in Festival Art Parking will offer theater, concerts and cinema

The end of living room performances! We‘ll be watching movies, concerts and theater plays from our cars in the parking lot!

Karolína Lišková
22.Apr 2020
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2 minutes
Jako v Americe, budeme sledovat kulturu z auta.

After all those weeks of quarantine it seems almost unbelievable, but it will finally be possible to enjoy culture outside the walls of our apartments. Following the example of American films, we'll be going to so-called "drive-in" theater performances, concerts or movies – we'll be watching them from our cars. A multi-genre festival Art Parking, which will provide space for live art, is about to begin in the car parks of the Prague Market Square and the Žižkov Freight Station.

It will offer the spectators in cars dozens of theater performances, concerts and film screenings on the drive-in principle from April 24 to the end of June.

The aim of the Art Parking festival is to facilitate a secure way for people to come in contact with live art, which is not limited to streaming online broadcasts, whether it is theatrical productions, concerts or virtual movie nights.

Prodej slunného bytu 3+kk, Praha 2 - 104
Prodej slunného bytu 3+kk, Praha 2 - 104, Praha 2

"We don't want to stream ourselves to death, live art needs a living spectator and vice versa,"

explains the festival's dramaturgist Karel Kratochvíl, who wants to offer space to the widest possible range of performers across genres that are affected by the current situation.

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Rozestupy mezi vozy budou prý větší než u nákupních center.
Rozestupy mezi vozy budou prý větší než u nákupních center.Source: Pixabay

1000 things that piss me off

The musical dramaturgy of the Art Parking festival encompasses a wide range of genres from Monika Načeva's new album release, which will open the entire festival, through concerts of classical music to productions for children or hip-hop.

The attendees will get to see see, for example, "1000 things that piss me off" with Bára Kubátová, Jakub Albrecht and Tomáš Dianiška. Furthermore, they can look forward to the dancers from Holektiv, Bratři v triku will do their juggling number, and the Geisslers Hofcomoedianten company as well as and many others will also appear on stage.

The film dramaturgy of the festival is being created in cooperation with Aerofilms and in times of limited travel, it will offer the spectators the opportunity to visit interesting destinations at least through the movie screen.

Open in gallery (3)
Bratři v tricku budou jedni z účinkujících.
Bratři v tricku budou jedni z účinkujících.Source: Art Parking

Performers are not supposed to wear face masks

The organizer focuses on the safety of both the spectators and the performers, yet he would rather the performers didn't wear face masks.

"Naturally, I don't want the actors or singers to perform in a face mask, poeple might not even be able to understand them, which is why we are trying to come up with a solution that would make it possible without endangering anyone,"

Kratochvíl said to LP-life, noting that in addition to all available protective equipment, they also have special plexiglass at their disposal, which they could eventually place on stage or even between the cars.

Open in gallery (3)
Do kina můžou i psi.
Do kina můžou i psi. Source: Pixabay

The number of parking spaces is limited

The entire process of ordering tickets as well as the cultural production itself, including the distribution of refreshments, will take place safely and contactlessly from the environment of your home or personal car. Art Parking guarantees a cultural experience without the need to leave the car and initiate any form of physical contact. Safety is guaranteed, distances between vehicles are greater than those in parking lots in shopping malls.

The festival barrier of the Holešovice car park will open to theater and concert goers on Friday, April 24, and the drive-in cinema at the Žižkov Freight Station will start screening on Monday, April 27. Tickets are being sold via the GoOut service.

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