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Russia has declared that it will change its nuclear doctrine. The reason is said to be the behavior of the West.

Early bird: Russia is preparing a change to its nuclear doctrine. Kretinsky has become the richest Czech.

Radim Červenka
02.Sep 2024
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2 minutes

Plans for the use of nuclear weapons, so-called nuclear doctrine, might change in the case of Russia. The boundary for the use of the destructive weapon is to be lowered. The richest Czech is now Daniel Křetínský, replacing Renata Kellnerová. In Japan, they are considering introducing a four-day working week. Emmanuel Macron is in talks with representatives of the moderate left regarding the appointment of the Prime Minister after early elections, which took place in the country in June.

Russians want to lower the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons

Russia will make changes to its doctrine on the use of nuclear weapons in response to what it considers to be an escalation of the war in Ukraine by the West, state media quoted Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov on Sunday. The current nuclear doctrine, set by a decree of President Vladimir Putin from 2020, states that Russia may use nuclear weapons in case of a nuclear attack by the enemy or a conventional attack that threatens the existence of the state.

Some analysts have called on Putin to lower the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons to "sober up" Russia's enemies in the West. Putin said in June that the nuclear doctrine is a "live tool" that can change depending on world events. Ryabkov's Sunday comments were so far the clearest statement towards actual changes, reported the agency Reuters.

Luxusní penthouse na Praze 1 - 226m
Luxusní penthouse na Praze 1 - 226m, Praha 1

The richest Czech is now Daniel Křetínský

The core of Daniel Křetínský's assets is a ninety percent stake in EP Corporate Group. It mainly includes the Energy and Industrial Holding (EPH) composed of 70 companies based in various countries in Europe.

The total value of Křetínský's assets is estimated at 390 billion crowns and includes a stake in the football club AC Sparta Prague. He jumped to the first position, surpassing Renata Kellnerová, who inherited the fortune from her husband, who dominated among the richest Czechs for many years. The wealth of former Prime Minister Andrej Babiš is facing a significant decline, his holding Agrofert found itself in decline after Babiš left the government post and Babiš ranks only 7th, CTK reported.

Japan considers introducing a four-day working week

A nation so hardworking that it uses a term for literally working oneself to death in its language is trying to solve a worrying shortage of labor by persuading more people and companies to introduce a four-day working week.

The Japanese government first expressed support for a shorter working week in 2021 after the idea was backed by lawmakers. However, this concept is being promoted slowly; according to data from the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare, about 8% of Japanese companies allow their employees to take three or more days off a week, while 7% of them provide their workers with a legally mandated one day off, wrote AP agency.

Post-election negotiations in France are taking shape

Emmanuel Macron will meet with Bernard Cazeneuve on Monday, a former member of the Socialist Party and an experienced politician, as the French president is close to announcing a new prime minister. Macron will also receive his two predecessors, socialist Francois Hollande and conservative Nicolas Sarkozy. Macron is under pressure to end weeks of political stalemate after he called for early elections that resulted in an unclear majority in parliament.

Although it seemed that Macron would have to give way to the far-right party of Marine Le Pen, in the current development, he is a key player in post-election negotiations, giving a hearing to the center coalition and moderate left, reported Reuters agency.

Sources: CTK,,

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