If you plan to go on a day trip to romantic Venice in the future, expect to pay a little extra. But not nearly as much as the new owner of the legendary video game Super Mario: it cost him a record amount of money.
Food aid for people in need
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Prodavačka v supermarketuSource: freepik.com/photos/sale
Today, from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, you can buy durable food and drugstore goods in selected branches of retail chains and donate them directly to the Food Bank. The collected items will be distributed to single mothers, seniors and other people struggling with financial problems. The number of these people has rapidly increased due to the current situation. Among the most helpful resources are canned food, long-life milk, legumes or baby food.
If you want to help, head to your local branch of Albert, Billa, Globus, Kaufland, Penny, Lidl or Tesco. The event also takes place in selected drugstores, such as dm and Rossmann. If you shop online, you can contribute through Rohlik.cz or iTesco until the end of November.
Plastic on Mount Everest
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Prodavačka v supermarketuSource: freepik.com/photos/sale
Humans have officially polluted the Earth from the deepest oceans to the highest peaks. Micro plastics have been found near the top of Mount Everest, specifically in the snow a few hundred meters from the top of the mountain. What's worse, plastics were also found in all 11 samples from various locations throughout Everest, at altitudes ranging from 5,300 to 8,440 meters. Their highest concentration was discovered by researchers in the base camp, where climbers spend the largest amount of their time. The plastics probably came from their clothes, ropes and tents.
Luxusní vila 5+kk na pronájem, Praha západ, Okolí Prahy
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"I was really surprised to find micro-plastics in every snow sample I've analyzed. Mount Everest is a place I've always considered remote and untouched. The discovery that we polluted almost the top of the highest mountain is shocking,"
commented by one of the main researchers, Imogen Napper from the University of Plymouth.
Vaccination has commenced in China
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Očkování proti koronaviruSource: freepik.com/photos/medical
Even though coronavirus vaccination won't be available in Europe for a while, about one million people have already received the vaccine. At least in China. Pharmaceutical giant Sinopharm claims that nearly a million people have been vaccinated with the experimental vaccine.
So far, only occupational workers who are more at risk of coronavirus infection than the rest of the population have received the vaccine. Beijing has been allowing companies to administer the experimental vaccine in these cases for months.
"We have vaccinated about a million people during the emergency use phase. Moreover, we have no reports of serious side effects, with only a few people having moderate symptoms,"
said Liu Jingzhen of Sinopharm.
The most expensive video game
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Super Mario Bros. 3Source: Heritage Auctions: HA.COM
If you think video games are nothing for adults, you're wrong. At least that's what the US auction of the legendary Super Mario Bros. 3 for Nintendo suggests - the game was auctioned off for a record three million crowns. Twenty contenders competed for it. The price started at a little over a million crowns.
Why was there such a huge interest in the game? The sold copy from 1990 comes in the original packaging and according to the auctioneer, copies of the game Super Mario Bros. 3 in this particular packaging are extremely rare.
Do you dream of narrow canals, having a coffee in one of the city's winding streets or taking a gondola ride? You'll either have to spend a little more time in Venice, or expect to pay extra. The city has introduced an entrance fee for tourists who wish to visit for only one day.
Therefore, if you fail to book accommodation, you'll have to pay a fee. The required amount will vary depending on how busy the city is in the time of your visit. The system was originally supposed to be introduced this summer, but due to the pandemic, the city postponed it to the beginning of 2022. The specific amounts are not yet known, but for this year the fees were supposed to be ten Euros during the busiest days.
Kitten in a shoe? Puppy in a hood
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Reese WitherspoonSource: Profimedia
The popular blonde actress Reese Witherspoon introduced her new pet to fans on social networks. But those who expected it would be a buff boy toy couldn't be more wrong: her new darling is a puppy of a French bulldog, Minnie. The actress bought it after her family's bulldog Pepper had died in October. He she regularly floods her social networks with photos of her new friend. Most recently, she charmed the internet with photos and videos of the puppy in the hood of her sweatshirt.
And that's all from us for today! The temperatures may not climb too high today, but we bet a beautiful Saturday awaits you anyway! As Charles Spurgeon, a British preacher, said:
"Happiness does not depend on how much we have, but on how much joy it brings us."
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