Klatovská Street may boast many unique and luxurious interiors, created by the renowned architect of world format, Adolf Loos, for the affluent from among the Jewish community. It is a complex of eight preserved residential interiors. Each has its own unique story with an admixture of life tragedy during World War II, and afterwards during the communist regime.
Here resided the family of doctor Josef Vogl. But 20 years ago it was occupied by the family of industrialist Otto Beck, for whom interior designer, Adolf Loos, furnished the flat and then even married his daughter, Klára. Beck then moved the entire interior fixtures into a new apartment. Adolf Loos later crated for J. Vogl a brand-new interior at the same place. The task was daunting: to create a design for a dining room, living room, bedroom, children's room, but also the surgery and X-ray room. The expensive and difficult repair of the dining and living room was carried out in accordance with the design of Prof. Václav Girsa. According to the photo he then designed as well as produced the furniture. The entire area in the final form is breath-taking; in short - luxury work.
The architect was painstaking about creating space worthy of its owner. He did not skimp on ornamentation, diversified décor, gold colour. Everything is just gleaming, sparkling, full of colours. The fabrics are non-traditional, sensitively combined. The author used natural materials of premium quality, the entire area then reflects the masterly taste of the author. During occupation the family of Josef Vogl had to escape to Canada. The space so artistically unique was thus occupied by the Germans, who in the building established a Labour Office. And the time passed. At the present time it houses Administration of Public Property of the City of Pilsen.
As the time passed, other accommodation areas designed by this architect are being refurbished. Now in Pilsen there is a circular route offering tour of apartments of the families of Vogl, Kraus at Bendova 10 with the most beautiful Loos´ lounge with Swiss marble panelling Cipollino and a ceiling of mahogany boards. One of the most well-preserved apartments was designed for the Brummel couple at Husova 58. Also worthy of note is the luxury Semler´s residency created according to Loos´ plans by his students. That closes off the route.