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Construction of Houses Through 3D Printing: Architect Eva Jiřičná is not Afraid of the Future

Eva Ledecká
07.Feb 2018
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2 minutes

3D printers are nowadays used in all industries: from medicine to electronics, from fashion to printing of houses. We asked our leading architect, Eva Jiřičná, what does she make of this progress?

"The 3D printing is in embryonic phase, one could say in nappies. It is difficult to imagine that in this situation it would be possible to print a house with all components and details currently associated with housing," says Eva Jiřičná. 

'If the 3D printing in the construction sector undergoes the same process as industrial production of cars, aircrafts, robots and other useful things with the same effort, research and continual improvement of detail and material, then I can imagine normal construction produced in the same manner as a BMW, Ford or Volvo, or Boeing or Airbus through 3D printing. The architects will then be able to concentrate on the drafting of the special structures and invent new improvements of everything that is pleasant for our everyday life."

The Far East, Russia and the USA build through 3D printing

In 2016 China was the first to built a one-piece house by means of a 3D printer. It took 45 days and it was a two-floor villa with an area of 400m² and walls up to 2.5 metres thick.

Today, 3D houses are printed in China routinely and not only there. This great technology is used in Russia, Dubai or the USA. In Russia last year a house was printed within 24 hours. It should last for up to 175 years and its price was a little over USD 10,000. Behind it was a start-up from San Francisco, Apis Cor. The house has an area of 38m² and is divided into a corridor, bathroom, living room and a small kitchenette.

Prodej slunného bytu 3+kk, Praha 2 - 104
Prodej slunného bytu 3+kk, Praha 2 - 104, Praha 2

Eva Jiřičná provides aegis support to Open House Prague

Eva Jiřičná inter alia backs the Open House Prague festival, which each May opening up to the public interesting and the normally inaccessible buildings and premises within Prague. These are unique structures by their architecture, spaces, interiors, in whose walls there often hide unbelievable tales. Festivals Open House take place in notable cities of Europe, America and Australia and this year for the fourth time also in our capital city. You can visit unique premises through Open House Prague on 19. and 20. May.

Although this unique project is not only about buildings with ancient history, but also modern architecture, design office space and buildings erected by means of environmentally-friendly world award-winning technologies, Eva Jiřičná is not sceptical to future development of architecture.

"I am part of a generation which read Jules Verne´s From the Earth to the Moon believing that we will never lie to see anything like that - and there we go already! I will probably never see a 3D home, but I envy those who will enjoy it. I also hope that this will help to eliminate shanty towns."


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