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December is knocking relentlessly on the door, and we all know what that means - Christmas is coming!

Christmas inspiration: Decorate your interior according to Miranda Kerr or Victoria Beckham

Kateřina Ostrejšová
21.Nov 2020
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2 minutes
Miranda Kerr u vánočního stromku

How else would you create a Christmas atmosphere if not with decorations and a fine-tuned interior? The aroma of Christmas cookies, the sound of carols, lights everywhere you look… It's all getting closer and closer, so let's be prepared! Why not get inspired by the following trends for stylish Chrisrmas decorations?

Navy blue

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Vánoční stromek s modrými doplňky.
Vánoční stromek s modrými doplňky. Source: Profimedia

The hit of this Christmas is dark blue. Maybe you dont see this color as Christmassy enough, but it can be perfectly combined with more classic shades such as white, silver, gold, and even red. Fortune favors the brave, and this particular case is no exception. You can buy blue decorations or just a couple of ribbons that will look softer on your Christmas tree. Star-shaped ornaments complement this color really well. If you like to focus on details, a dark blue wrapping paper will be the icing on the cake.

Look for traditions in nature

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Miranda Kerr zdobí vánoční stromeček.
Miranda Kerr zdobí vánoční stromeček. Source: Profimedia

Do you like to create and invent things according to your own fantasy? How about making your own decorations this year? There are many ways to go about it. You can use, for example, nuts, cones or dried orange slices. And you can fine-tune your Christmas table with a wreath made of purely natural materials. Shiny accessories aren't the only thing that can make your home look festive. It's all up to your imagination!

Prodej luxusní vily, Praha 6 - Nebušice – 312
Prodej luxusní vily, Praha 6 - Nebušice – 312, Praha 6

Popular are also straw decorations that will give your Christmas tree a traditional flair. After all, even former Victoria's Secret angel Miranda Kerr fell in love with the natural and minimalist look, so why shouldn't you? Wrap the gifts, for example, in old newspapers or leftover fabrics, thus underlining the natural decorations.

Rose gold according to Victoria Beckham

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Victoria Beckham u vánočního stromku
Victoria Beckham u vánočního stromkuSource: Profimedia

Don't you think decorating your Christmas tree the same way every year gets a little boring? It's time for a change! Metallic shades have ruled the world of interior design for quite some time and it looks like their era isn't over yet. Which is a good thing, because they will give your home design a touch of class, especially at Christmas.

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Rose Gold vánoční ozdoby.
Rose Gold vánoční ozdoby. Source: Profimedia

Rose gold is still a newcomer to Christmas decorations. But a luxurious and trendy newcomer. Former Spice Girl Victoria Beckham also fell for it. Why? The answer is simple! It looks sophisticated, regal and unconventional. If you really want to shine, there's nothing to think about. Don't be afraid to combine the color with glitter, mirror ornaments and cream ribbons.

A touch of romance

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Bílé doplňky na vánočním stromku.
Bílé doplňky na vánočním stromku. Source: Profimedia

Do you prefer a softer style? In that case, you should definitely go for white decorations. The lightest of all colors has one huge advantage: it can be combined with natural shades and the final result looks very elegant. Pastel colors, ivory and natural wood - these variations turn your home a into a real Christmas gem. Add to that glass balls, artificial snow, bows in light shades, and you're all set.

White Christmas

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Žena obdivuje bílý vánoční stromeček.
Žena obdivuje bílý vánoční stromeček.Source:

White trees look unique, light and fresh. If you're not big on tradition, this is the ideal choice for you. Green trees in every hoursehold are a thing of the past. Moreover, white trees go perfectly with Christmas presents wrapped in natural paper. Metal decor, among other things, will look great on such a tree, and the choice of colors is literally unlimited. Gold, silver, or perhaps red ornaments? White goes with everything!

Table and decor should go hand in hand

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Vánoční tabule v červených barvách.
Vánoční tabule v červených barvách. Source: Profimedia

No matter what decoration you choose, make sure it matches your Christmas table. Both in color and in the accessories used. Candles, flowers, ornamented tablecloths, fairy lights - there is a lot you can fit on your table. Don't be afraid to use your bes ditshes and crystal glasses that you usually keep hidden in the back of the cupboard. If not now, when would you use them? Don't forget about nicely styled napkins, whether linen or paper.

And last but not least... put a fish scale under your plate for good luck. We could all use a bit of luck right now!

Prodej luxusní vily, Praha 6 - Nebušice – 312
Prodej luxusní vily, Praha 6 - Nebušice – 312, Praha 6

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