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Of course, not on your plate but in your aquarium. Keeping stingrays as pets is not common here; in fact, it’s quite a rarity. However, if you are looking for a new luxurious addition to your spacious aquarium, a stingray may be the right option for you.

Carp on Christmas, Stingrays all throughout the Year

Eva Ledecká
29.Nov 2016
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1 minute
Potamotrygon Castexi

If you have experience with aquarium fish and feel like you can handle this fascinating cartilaginous animal, read on. A large luxurious aquarium with a phenomenal stingray is a unique decoration that goes well with every interior. However, you need to be carefully prepared to take care of this extraordinary pet. 

Potamotrygon menchcacai - rare species
Potamotrygon Castexi
Potamotrygon Leopoldi Black Diamond

It’s a 45-minute drive from Černý Most is a breeding station of fresh-water stingrays. If are thinking about cooking them on wine, you would probably be the only one in the Czech Republic and perhaps all of Europe to do so. Even though stingrays are hunted in South American as a local specialty, in this part of the world they are used exclusively as a luxurious decoration in aquariums.

Keeping stingrays: a luxurious hobby

A young “common” stingray will costs you about CZK 1 000, but adult rare specimen that can be used for breeding cost up to thousands of Euro. The high price is one of the reasons why it is necessary to be truly dedicated to taking care of your stingray.

Home-kept stingrays range between 35 and 60 cm in size, measured as the disc diameter. However, certain Asian species of stingrays may grow up to be 300 cm in diameter and weigh up to several hundred kilos, but these are not kept in aquariums.

The smallest aquarium required for keeping a smaller stingray species is 200 x 80 x 60 cm with a volume of 1,000 liters. You also need an efficient filtration mechanism (external filters), as well as heaters and other accessories.

Stingrays kept in aquariums feed on small fish; and you can even buy small fish especially for stingrays that are rich in vitamins. Their diet also includes mussels without shell, shredded fish meat, worms, shrimps etc..

Luxusní byt Praha 5 - 39m
Luxusní byt Praha 5 - 39m, Praha 5

Stingray: a sharp cartilaginous fish

You need to be very careful when handling a stingray. They have bony thorns on their tails covered with fine skin. They store dangerous venom under their skin that may cause serious health issues. Injuries caused by stingrays are extremely painful and can last for a long time. Stingrays are simply not a common aquarium fish but a true water predator, and they use their tails as a weapon. These creatures live up to 30 years.

If you want to learn more about keeping stingrays as pets, you can visit or ask a successful breeder of fresh water stingrays near the town of Jičín – either in person or by using the contact information provided below.


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