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On battle against insults

Billionaire Karel Janeček against the world! He defended his love on Facebook

30.Mar 2019
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Karel Janeček a Lilia Khosnoutdinová

Not long ago, the billionaire Karel Janeček and his partner Lilia Khosnoutdinová gave us an interview about their relationship, tolerance, love and plans for the future. However, on the Luxury Prague Life Facebook page, a heated discussion took place under the interview with Lilia - an uneasy read for the brunette. The lack of understanding for their relationship from the side of the public and, above all, from the gentle sex was reflected in various insults directed at both the charming partner of Charles Janeček and the controversial mathematician himself. But he did not hesitate to fight for his love like a lion and publicly supported her in the comments.

Karel Janeček's "conservative" lifestyle triggered a wave of response

Karel Janeček's controversial relationships will always be a morsel for the public to savour. Yet Karel told us in a recent interview that compared to the past, things have calmed down around him. Relationships have settled and he found true love in Lilia Khosnoutdin, with whom he claims to be currently leading a conservative life. In her Fast confession, Lilia talked with us about living with a billionaire as well as about the difficult beginnings when she had to share him with his former partner Mariem.

The attacks from the discussants seemed to have no end

But even in the 21st century, polygamy is not a common thing. Mrs. Františka was the most prolific discussant on the Facebook page: "Not even an official marriage with a stamp was enough to protect your predecessor, and you know it all too well. It must have been freaking Hell for you, that seating arrangement in Karel’s harem, back when you enjoyed the momentary status of the favorite, but another woman was official first wife.” Or “When you started a relationship with a married father of a small child, you didn’t care what the Czech society would say either... "

Dům na prodej 7kk - Praha 6, 307m2
Dům na prodej 7kk - Praha 6, 307m2, Praha 6

And so, since celebrities often leave the opinions of the "ordinary" people unnoticed, Lilia and Karel did something surprising. Both of them entered the Facebook discussion under the interview with Lilia on Luxury Prague Life and responded with absolute openness to the unflattering comments. While Lilia defended herself, deflecting the offenses that people would hardly dare to tell her face to face in a very amicable manner, Karel, like a knight in shining armor, protected his love so vehemently that many a jaw dropped at how much time he had spent on his answers. At first, his reactions were polite, only when they weren’t met with understanding did he begin to use sharper words every now and then.

And no wonder! The discussion was often quite sharp from the readers' side and insults kept raining on the head of his beloved. "Living with a w***e-hopper is okay. They are nice, attentive, fun to be around and they keep coming home. Until they fall in love," Mrs. Soňa wrote, for example. Lilia immediately countered: "Ever since ending things with Mariem, he has done nothing that could even remotely warrant your insult."

There was a lot of verbal abuse, so Karel Janeček took great care to show that he had his partner’s back, and he even wrote a numbered list of arguments.

Karel Janeček's Facts

1) My relationship with Mariem began to deteriorate six months after the baby was born. It is true that I’d loved a part of her personality for a very long time and so I wanted to save our relationship, later mostly for the sake of our little one (which was a mistake). But at the same time (a little later, but long before meeting Lilia), I knew that it was out of question for her to be my only long-term partner, and her only chance was to accept a second woman on the same level. I never lied to the public, but I chose to only present the positive part of our relationship - that's my right! - as long as I could still see a chance of literally "Taming the witch!"

2) When I saw Lilia moderate the Šťastné Česko (Happy Czechia) conference, it was me who started to think she was "worth a sin". Later, I firmly decided that she would become my long-term partner. The situation grew to be very complicated, there’s no room for that here. However, in retrospective, it is an undisputable fact that Lilia was honest and truthful; the evil and manipulation was on the other side. Unfortunately, I only realized that after some time had passed.

3) Lilia is such an exceptional woman for me, full of love and wisdom, that she is sure to be the only one I’ve been dreaming of, and whom I have previously mistakenly believed to be Mariem after way too short a time. Your insults and invectives toward my love for Lilia are crude and obnoxious. You act like a flock of hen for whom men are like grain to peck up, one hen competing with another. I get that this may be your story, but please stop making unreasonable generalizations based on your own limited experience.

When patience is running short...

However, Mrs. Františka wasn’t about to give up easily and blamed Lilia of having written the comment in the discussion on the Luxury Prague Life FB page herself, pretending it came from Janeček. That finally set him off: "My dear Františka, you really are a stupid goose. What do you mean by female handwriting??? For your info, I wrote it off the top of my head without any changes except for a single typo, the small "š" letter in Šťastné Česko. If this answer looks like "female handwriting" to you, maybe it will help if I tell you that you’re a huge cow."

The mystery

The only thing that none of the couple explained was the mystery that Lilia herself mentioned: "Why the divorce stretches on and what happened there - that’s for Karel to tell one day, if he wants. Just like whether or not he would have divorced even if he hadn't met me. Personally, I’m looking forward to eventually sharing, how it really was, just to make people like you stop throwing dirt on us because of assumptions. Anyway, I have to go now, thank you for your time.“

In spite of all the negatives and insults, which must have caused Janeček's charming partner a lot of pain, one of her comments says: "I love him and I believe in happy endings." The least we can do is wish her love the happy end she yearns for.

The interviews, including the discussion, can be found on the Luxury Prague Life FB page.

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Rychlá zpověď - Lilia Khousnoutdinová
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Rychlá zpověď - Karel Janeček
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