Face to face Face to face Comments News Visited FAIR AND SQUARE: How Andrea Verešová and Vémola improved our entry into the new year Can a home video ruin reputation, or is it targeted PR. The new year started a f... 07.Jan 2021 4 minutes Anděla Vostrá Discussion 0
Face to face Face to face Comments News Visited FAIR AND SQURE: Are New Year's resolutions an utopia or hope for a better tomorrow? We don't need a New Year's Eve to make a change or. I ask myself the s... 31.Dec 2020 3 minutes Anděla Vostrá Discussion 0
Face to face Face to face Comments News Visited FAIR AND SQUARE: Every seventh child in the Czech Republic is obese, and every fourth overwheight aka How to maintain the global lead in obesity. I don't know about you, but do y... 28.Nov 2020 3 minutes Anděla Vostrá Discussion 0
Face to face Actual Face to face Comments News Visited FAIR AND SQUARE: You blink and you suddenly can't breathe How fragile are our lungs. Did you know that November is the month of the lungs... 21.Nov 2020 3 minutes Anděla Vostrá Discussion 0
Face to face Face to face Comments News Visited FAIR AND SQUARE: The Hermès shopping discrimination. You cannot live in a bag! About the "waitlist" bag. So this is really something to think about. My colleag... 05.Nov 2020 2 minutes Anděla Vostrá Discussion 0
Face to face Face to face Comments News Visited FAIR AND SQUARE: Coronavirus prison of the third millenium Curfew, quarantine for all and a mess with the testing. And it's here. Curfew. B... 29.Oct 2020 3 minutes Anděla Vostrá Discussion 0
Face to face Face to face Comments News Visited FAIR AND SQUARE: A soldier doesn't run from a battle or Deny, deny, deny If you preach water, don't drink wine. It doesn't pay off. This was se... 23.Oct 2020 3 minutes Anděla Vostrá Discussion 0
Face to face Face to face Comments News Visited FAIR AND SQUARE: Journalistic ethics or Should the nation have learned that Babiš is a moron? Speaking is silver, silence is golden. or vice versa. Unethical pig I'm a journa... 22.Oct 2020 3 minutes Anděla Vostrá Discussion 0
Face to face Face to face Comments News Visited FAIR AND SQUARE: Adam Vojtěch and his comeback or You don't have to sing well, good PR is enough Will the concert at the O2 Arena happen. I'm going to lose it, I'm telling you.... 17.Oct 2020 2 minutes Anděla Vostrá Discussion 0
Face to face Event calendar Face to face Actual Comments News Visited FAIR AND SQUARE: Superstar ended, colonel's here. The speaker era begins... even in church! We won't be singing anytime soon. Doesn't it seem strange to you that as so... 05.Oct 2020 2 minutes Anděla Vostrá Discussion 0
Face to face Face to face Comments News Visited FAIR AND SQUARE: He says "Family First" because of the election, and doesn't care about his own .then he goes with the slogan "Family First" because of the election. I found a... 30.Sep 2020 3 minutes Anděla Vostrá Discussion 0
Face to face Face to face Comments News Visited FAIR AND SQUARE: How Adam Vojtěch fled from the second coronavirus wave He left the position for Prymula, tough times are upon us. It was a Monday like... 21.Sep 2020 3 minutes Anděla Vostrá Discussion 0
Face to face Face to face Actual Comments News Visited FAIR AND SQUARE: I'm positive or How I didn't want to wait a week for a test How I got tested without growing old during it. So let me tell you something. If... 15.Sep 2020 3 minutes Anděla Vostrá Discussion 0
Face to face Actual Face to face Comments News Visited FAIR AND SQUARE: Farewell mr. Menzel! The memorial service won't be happening... or How we cannot say goodbye to the famous director. This is very hard to write... 10.Sep 2020 2 minutes Anděla Vostrá Discussion 0
I am superstar Currently Lifestyle Beauty I am superstar Visited The most luxurious materials in the world: haute couture fabrics straight from Paris. Natali Ruden caused both outrage and fascination with her show. The designer stirred up the stagnant waters of the Czech fashion pond with her m... 30.Jan 2025 2 minutes David Kabelka Discussion 0
Fashion without limitation Celebrities Fashion without limitation Visited Ball at Intru: Soukalová in foil, Verešová disappointed and Slováková as one of the few met the dress code Last night was dedicated to the second largest ball in Brno, which was held at t... 23.Feb 2025 2 minutes David Kabelka Discussion 0
Fast confession Currently Celebrities Interviews Fast confession Interviews Videos Visited Natali Ruden has a clear vision. I'm taking a creative break, looking for new sources of inspiration, says the designer We are facing a new era of Natali Ruden. Last week was marked by a huge shock in... 28.Jan 2025 2 minutes David Kabelka Discussion 0
Face to face News Comments Face to face Business Finance Visited Fair enough: Personal finance for beginners. In the Czech Republic, it is possible to save millions, but no one should see them. /Comment/ The boundary between tax optimization and fraud is really thin, especi... 28.Feb 2025 3 minutes Radim Červenka Discussion 0