When you see an older man with a younger woman on the street, it probably won't surprise you. However, an encounter of a younger man with an older woman might slightly shock some people. Yet, this type of relationship is not uncommon and is commonly seen in showbiz too. Age differences between partners don't necessarily need to influence their relationship, and many couples prove that relationships where the woman is older can be just as harmonious and happy as those with a more traditional age structure.
It is often said that age is just a number and what really matters is how we feel inside. This view is corroborated by some well-known couples where the women are older than their male counterparts. In the Czech Republic and around the world, there are many examples of celebrities who have chosen younger partners. This trend shows that relationships with an age difference can be successful and full of mutual understanding, underscoring that age boundaries in love are increasingly seen as relative.
Love knows no age limits and there are no charts that would determine what age difference is suitable in a relationship. Just like men often find younger partners, it is completely natural and possible for women to choose younger partners. There are many examples of famous women around the world who have fallen in love with men several years younger. These relationships often prove that mutual understanding and harmony can overcome prejudice associated with age difference.
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Marie Rottrová and Milan Říha
Even though there's a fifteen-year age difference between singer Marie Rottrová and her husband Milan Říha, you might not know it at first glance. The singer still looks absolutely fantastic, and few would guess her age. Milan Říha, who was her fan long before they met personally, certainly knows this. Behind their meeting was the singer's friend and lyricist Jiřina Fikejzová, who introduced them. Milan Říha even ended his previous marriage due to his relationship with Marie Rottrová, and then they secretly married. To this day they present themselves as a happy and satisfied couple.
Lucie Bílá and Radek Filipi
The Czech singer Lucie Bílá is known for her fondness for younger men. In the past, she married singer Václav Noid Bárta, who was fourteen years her junior. She is currently in a relationship with fitness trainer Radek Filipi, who is seventeen years younger than her. This couple first met in 2015 during the revival premiere of the musical Carmen. Last year, they celebrated seven years of living together, and Lucie Bílá expressed her feelings on Instagram.
"Today marks seven years since I hid behind the tallest man in the room, fleeing from a crowd of journalists after the premiere of Carmen. Since then, I can hide behind him anytime and anywhere, and I love him with all my heart for that feeling of safety. Happy anniversary, my love," she wrote on her social media post.
Vendula Prizingerová and Josef Pizinger
Although their relationship was initially criticized by the public and fans could not understand why Vendula was looking for a younger partner, today they have proved everyone wrong. In 2015 Vendula Pizingerová married Josef Pizinger, who is sixteen years her junior. Josef's mother, who was Vendula's friend, asked her for help in a difficult life situation of her son. At that time, Vendula was in a period when she herself was feeling disappointment in men, and she was not inclined to enter any other relationships.
"Within fourteen days, my friend Simona approached me with the fact that her son had just broken up with his partner and was taking it badly. At that time I was often visiting various psychologists, so I was supposed to advise him. Well, in the end, I gave him slightly different advice," she wrote one day on her Instagram. In 2020, their son Pepíček was born. Although Vendula admits that motherhood sometimes physically and mentally exhausts her, she feels very happy.
The next couple with a larger age difference in the Czech show business is Helena Vondráčková and Martin Michal. However, this is not her first marriage. In the eighties, she married a younger German musician Hellmut Sickel and they lasted until the turn of the millennium. Before they divorced, the singer met Martin Michal, who is twelve years younger. They married in 2003.
Brigitte Macron and Emmanuel Macron
Many people are fascinated by the relationship between French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte. There is a twenty-four-year age difference between them, and the way they met is not entirely common. They met when Macron was attending high school, where Brigitte taught. A romantic relationship between them did not develop until after Macron graduated from this school. Brigitte divorced her then-husband for him, with whom she has three children. They got married in 2007.
Sources: editorial, author's text, own questioning, prozeny.cz, BBC
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