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Václav Vorlíček was, and always will be a legend of Czech film-making.

Václav Vorlíček, always with a smile and in good spirits

Jana Fikotová
13.Feb 2019
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On the 5th of February the legendary director Václav Vorlíček (✝88) died. Czech cinematography lost an enormous personality in his departure. His TV series and films entertain audiences of all generations to this day.

Three nuts for Cinderella
Girl on a Broomstick

Bidding farewell to the great personage of film-making

Tři oříšky pro Popelku, Jak utopit doktora Mráčka, Což takhle dát si špenát, Létající Čestmír či Dívka na koštěti (Three wishes for Cinderella, How to drown dr.Mracek, the lawyer, What would you say to some spinach?, The flying Cestmír, or The girl on a broomstick). All kinds of films were Vorlíček‘s domain, whether it was in film or TV series form.

Family, friends, colleagues or fans came together to the crematorium in Prague-Strašnice on the 12th of February to bid farewell to this great individual, his departure was accompanied by the music of the world-known film ‘Three nuts for Cinderella’.

Prodej luxusního mezonetu 4 + 1, Praha
Prodej luxusního mezonetu 4 + 1, Praha, Praha 5

A legend never dies

Václav Vorlíček was born on the 3. June 1930 in Prague. He studied directing at FAMU, then worked as an assistent director at the Film studio Barrandov. His first film was the children‘s film ‘Případ Lupínek‘.

‘I found a way how to start directing films. Nobody wanted to film with children, so I took the chance’ He said in the past.

His greatest and most important collaborator in his work was the writer and script writer Miloš Macourek. With the help of his cooperation, everything began to lead to the rise of the director‘s star. Olga Shoberová took the main role in the film ‘Who wants to kill Jessie’ (1964). A similar parody was the film ‚The end of agent 4WC’ (1967).

From his other films we will mention for example, ‘You Are a Widow Sir’, ‘Girl on a Broomstick’ (1971), ‘How to Drown Dr. Mracek, the Lawyer’ (1974). Unforgettable are the films ‘Dva muži hlásí příchod‘ and ‘Bouřlivé víno’ from the first half of the 70’s. Václav Vorlíček won not only children audiences with his film fairy tale ‚Three nuts for Cinderella’ (1973), and foremost with TV series ‘Arabela’. Unusual trucks and subtle humour found their way into the hearts of international audiences too, which led to the filming of feature films with Rumburak and even sequels to the series Arabela (12 years later) from the year 1980.

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