The children of the rich are said to have been born with a silver spoon in their mouths. At an early age, they already have everything that others have to work for all their lives. Growing up in a family where you don't have to turn every penny twice is an unattainable dream for many. The children of wealthy parents don’t have to live on average, let alone poor conditions. Some become famous before they’ve learned to speak. We’ll take a peek into the lives of a select few...
Luxury everywhere you look
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Dominika Cibulková.Source: Profimedia
Dominika Cibulková's son is a typical trust fund baby. The former Slovak tennis player is known for her love of luxury. So why not let her son enjoy it too? She shocked the fans by buying a luxurious stroller for approximately 51 thousand crowns or a blanket from one of the most exclusive fashion brands, in which little Jakoubek will surely be snug as a bug in a rug. On top of that, she organized a baby shower on the Danube embankment. Her son’s baptism wasn’t a modest affair either - it included a garden party, the attendees of which sported outfits that could easily be worn at a wedding of a royal family member. The celebration of baby Navara’s first birthday was in the very same style - the little one arrived at the celebration in his own Jeep.
Once upon a time, Chinese emperors ate with silver chopsticks. It seems that little Jakoubek is following in their footsteps - he got a silver spoon to be fed with from the prestigious jewellery brand Tifanny & Co. The spoon was designed by Elsa Peretti and its price is approximately 2,800 crowns.
Luxusní loft na prodej 3+kk, Praha Modřany, Praha 4
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Thousands of Eur spent on childbirth
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Rytmus a Jasmina.Source: Profimedia
Wealth doesn’t simply fall into your hands from the sky. Rytmus is doing his best to instil this in his son Sanel. He’s trying to be a good example to his little boy from an early age.
"We had a discussion. I told him - son, when you grow up, don't forget that if you work as hard as your dad, you can become anything you want,"
He posted on social media.
The most high profile couple in the Czech Republic and Slovakia decided that their son would be born in a private facility with above-standard services. Rytmus paid about 36 thousand crowns to assure his wife Jasmina would be comfortable. The couple also chose their own doctor for 7,660 crowns, an anesthesiologist for 7,660 crowns and allegedly even a midwife for 5,100 crowns.
Celebrity-style stroller
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Boris Valábik a Marián Gáborík.Source: Profimedia
Former Slovak hockey player Boris Valábik also lets his daughter bathe in luxury. He bought his little Viktoria a stroller many can only dream about that is popular mainly among people in Slovak show business. Boris was inspired to buy the model by his friend Marián Gáborík, who also owns one. Such a stroller costs around 43 thousand crowns.
Hyped child of a politician
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Robert Fico, manželka Svetlana a syn Michal. Source: Profimedia
Michal Fico is the son of one of the most well-known Slovak politicians. When he was 15, the daily Pravda reported that he was attending the expensive private Forel International School, but instead of the usual amount of 22,880 crowns per month, Fico’s family was paying only 2,273 crowns in tuition fees. Robert Fico commented that he could not afford to pay the original amount. The then school principal Zarin Buckingham (mother of singer Celeste Buckingham) claimed that Michal Fico received a scholarship because he was an excellent student. At that time, however, the school had a problem with inclusion in the legislative system, and the media indicated that this scholarship was their way to get into the system. Both sides denied the rumour.
He wasn’t born with a golden spoon in his mouth
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Boris Kollár s dcerou Ester (vlevo) a Alexandrou (vpravo),Source: Profimedia
Slovak businessman, politician and father of many Boris Kollár fathered 11 children with 10 different women in his lifetime. When it comes to financial security, no member of his family needs to worry! Kollár owns properties in Dubai, Thailand and Austria. Lately, his eldest daughter Alexandra Horňáková has been appearing in the media more and more frequently. Kollár definitely isn’t one of the fathers who try to save on their children. He showers his daughter in luxury gifts - on social networks, you can spot her posing, for example, with a black handbag from the prestigious Chanel Boy Bag brand. The blonde seems to have picked a medium black version of the bag, made from python leather, which costs approximately 153 thousand crowns. Her wardrobe also includes a Prada handbag, popular with world celebrities. Although this young lady was born, so to speak, with a silver spoon in her mouth, she has many other interests too.
A castle as a gift
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Zoroslav Kollár. Source: Profimedia
Martin Kollár is the son of the well-known Slovak lawyer Zoroslav Kollár, who has been behind bars since October last year. One of the gifts the rich man gave his son Martin was a luxury chateau in the village of Tonkovce, and he also signed over part of his business companies to him. He liked to show off his success, for example by buying the most expensive car in the world - the Bugatti Veyron supersport, for which he paid over 25 million crowns in 2008.
Prodej slunného bytu 3+kk, Praha 2 - 104, Praha 2
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Inheritance from the richest Czech
Anna Kellnerová is the daughter of the richest Czech Petr Kellner, who died in a helicopter crash in Alaska. Anna, Kellner’s eldest daughter, is a professional show jumping rider. Her father bought her one of the most expensive racehorses in history, having overpaid Bill Gates' bid in an auction. The price of the horse went up from the original 200 million crowns to 250 million. The amount of his assets is estimated at 385 billion crowns.
He keeps earning even after death
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Charlotte Ella Gottová se svou matkou Ivanou.Source: Profimedia
Karel Gott made sure his girls would lack for nothing. Already during the maestro's life, the value of his assets was estimated at approximately 900 million crowns. The inheritance from the singer includes a family villa in Bertramka worth around 70 million crowns, items from the villa worth tens of millions, a house in the countryside worth 7 million, an agency worth about 20 million, a trademark in the singer's name and signature, royalties and interpretative fees in the estimated value of 7.5 million per year.
Not even Karel Gott has ever accumulated this much wealth
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Michaela Novotná, Artur Štaidl a zesnulý Ladislav Štaidl. Source: Profimedia
Ladislav Štaidl earned an incredible amount of money through music, even greater than Karel Gott himself, given that royalties for authors were significantly higher than royalties for performers. He made sure that his four children would live like royalty after his death. His most famous offspring is his son Arthur, whom he had with the singer Iveta Bartošová. The real estate he left behind is worth tens of millions of crowns. He owned an apartment building in Prague or a villa, the value of which is 30 million crowns. Arthur also inherited a villa in Uhříněves from his mother, which he allegedly sold for 7 million crowns.
She invests in clothes
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Lucie Bílá se synem Filipem Kratochvílem. Source: Profimedia
Lucie Bílá is not only a singer, but also a very capable businesswoman who thinks about the future of her whole family. She procured properties throughout the whole Czech Republic, creating a real estate empire worth 100 million crowns. The singer owns houses, apartments, cottages, several gardens, even fields. She also spends a lot of money on clothes - over 800,000 crowns a year.
"Singers don’t have it easy, I have a number of beautiful dresses and I can wear them no more than twice, because otherwise, everyone would slander me,"
says the Czech nightingale.
Rich Instagram kids
Their biggest concern is where to go on holiday or which car should they use when driving to the mall. On the Rich Kids social network, the children of the rich boast their lives in luxury - a toilet bowl decorated with money, private jets or complaining that someone got a car instead of a yacht for their birthday. But that’s not all: some photos show things such as a youth flushing a watch he didn't like down the toilet, or another boasting that he set his new Mercedes on fire. Rich girls show off their credit cards with huge amounts of money, walking to school across a red carpet or bullying the poor.
Yes, that’s what spoiled children, whom their parents would give the world, can be like. A bunch of privileged kids who were born into families with huge possessions.
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