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Who among the famous walked through the aisle more than three times?

There‘s nothing like

Nela Štefanová
03.Jun 2020
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3 minutes

When a couple stands in front of the wedding altar and says their "yes" in front of the witnesses, they hope that their marriage will last for the rest of their lives. But although a wedding is said to be one of the events that you‘ll experience only once in a lifetime, will now introduce you a couple of celebrities who‘ve walked through the aisle many times more than once.

Marriage is not for everyone and it‘s definitely not easy to maintain either. On top of that, when you‘re constantly in the center of attention, paparazzi are lining up at your front door and your name appears on the front pages of tabloids pretty much every day, sooner or later cracks may appear in the sacred bond with more likelyhood than in case of normal mortals. It‘s no secret that celebrities often get married and divorced repeatedly. will now introduce you the biggest optimists in show business, who weren‘t afraid to pick themselves up after a nasty divorce, shake it all off and tie the knot again. And again.

Indecisive Pamela

The American actress and model, whom you surely remember from the series Baywatch, has had a thorough training in throwing the wedding bouquet. This blonde beauty wore the white dress as many as five times during her life. Her first husband was drummer Tommy Lee, with whom Pamela has two sons. After a nasty divorce, she decided to try again with Kid Rock. She married her third husband Rick Salomon only to get a divorce after mere two months of marriage. And because, like many women, Pamela is quite indecisive, she decided she wanted Rick back a while later, regretted the divorce and married him again. This time, however, for a "whole" year. Her fourth and current husband is a film producer, the 74-year-old Jon Peters. At age fifty-two, with five weddings under her belt, Pamela seems to believe that this marriage will finally last. Fingers crossed!

Luxusní penthouse na Praze 1 - 226m
Luxusní penthouse na Praze 1 - 226m, Praha 1

Like mother, like daughter…

The daughter of the legendary Judy Garland, Liza Minneli, entered into marriage a total of four times. The 74-year-old Oscar winner, who‘s been heavy into drugs and alcohol several times in her life, just like her mother, didn‘t have much luck in relationships. Although her weddings were always expensive and pompous, the individual marriages didn‘t last too long.

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Pamela Anderson
Pamela AndersonSource: Profimedia

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Demi Moore
Demi MooreSource: Profimedia

Third time‘s a charm?

What do Freddy Moore, Bruce Willis and Ashton Kutcher have in common? Why, actress Demi Moore! Yes, all three gentlemen had the honor of asking the beautiful brunette for her hand, seeing her in a wedding dress and, unfortunately, also going through the divorce process with her. But we can safely say it was the actress‘ last husband Ashton who really broke her heart. As tends to happen in life, what seemed like evernal love at the beginning eventually turned into tears, anger and disappointment. Demi‘s fifteen years younger husband skipped town and run into the arms of actress Mila Kunis. That must have hurt like hell. But hopes that Demi hasn‘t given up and will find courage to try for the fourth time!

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Demi a Asthon
Demi a Asthon Source: Profimedia

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Demi a Bruce Willis
Demi a Bruce Willis Source: Profimedia

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Tom Cruise
Tom CruiseSource: Profimedia

Other celebrities who weren‘t discouraged by one divorce and decided to get married three times include, for example, actors Tom Cruise, Jennifer Lopez or Drew Barrymore.

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Svatba by měla být na celý život
Svatba by měla být na celý život Source: rawpixel

Luxusní byt na pronájem Praha 1 - Staré Město
Luxusní byt na pronájem Praha 1 - Staré Město, Praha 1

Queen of all weddings!

The best comes last. If there‘s one person about whom we can safely say they‘re not afraid of weddings, it‘s Elizabeth Taylor. One of Hollywood's biggest stars of the silver screen walked to the altar eight times! Apparently, Elizabeth wasn‘t all that chaste; she led a tumultuous and wild life that involved many love affairs. Some of them led to a wedding or divorce.

When Elizabeth got married for the first time, she was only eighteen years old. Her last wedding to Larry Fortensky took place at Michael Jackson‘s ranch. Although it was magnificent and beautiful, the marriage didn‘t last long and ended in divorce. But we‘ll give Liz one thing. She did know how to enjoy life, don‘t you think?

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