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Videomapping will be affected by passing cars

The State Opera to reopen tomorrow! Complications in traffic and parking are to be expected

Karolína Lišková
04.Jan 2020
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Pragues can't wait to witness the glorious moment when, on Sunday, January 5, one of the many historical treasures of our capital - the State Opera - will reopen after a three-year long reconstruction. The reconstruction cost 1.3 billion crowns. In order to make the waiting even more exciting, the management of the institution has been projecting a unique audiovisual show on the facade of the building since New Year's Eve.

Videomapping přilákal před půlnocí na Silvestra desítky lidí.
Od silvestrovské půlnoci byla show promítána až do ranních hodin.
Celou vizuální show řídila projíždějící auta v reálném čase
Na Hlavním nádraží zazpívali skuteční umělci.

The video mapping is realized by the 3dsense art group, which took advantage of the specific location of the theater building on a busy highway. Passing vehicles became components of the resulting generative video mapping.

Real data

"What we see and hear is generated by ourselves, our vehicles. The cars passing through the highway in front of the State Opera building generate unique video projections, light shows and music in real time on the facade of the building. The position, size and speed of each car is being scanned by the camera located at the State Opera building. The data is processed online and used to generate music composition and visual effects,"

Luxusní loft na prodej 3+kk, Praha Modřany
Luxusní loft na prodej 3+kk, Praha Modřany, Praha 4

Jan Hrdlička from 3dsense explained.

Open in gallery (2)
Státní opera se chystá na velkolepé otevření.
Státní opera se chystá na velkolepé otevření. Source: 3dsense

Because of the show, the two lanes nearest to the building will be closed throughout the weekend, traffic will be diverted to the two remaining lanes. On Sunday from 4 pm to midnight, the parking space in front of the building and the adjacent lane will also be closed.

The opera gala will be directed by Alice Nellis and the concert entitled State Opera in the Changes of Time (1888-2018) will lead the audience through the most famous chapters of its remarkable history.

After this grand opening in January, Fidelio and Madame Butterfly will return to the Opera with a brand new cast.

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Ve vestibulu Hlavního nádraží bylo v prosinci veselo.
Ve vestibulu Hlavního nádraží bylo v prosinci veselo. Source: archiv Státní opery

Flashmob at Central Station

The National Theater started preparing for this grand opening at the end of last year. An unusual event took place in Prague's Central Station in mid-December, involving the soloists of the National Theater and the State Opera. Roman Janál, František Zahradníček, Josef Moravec, Pavel Švingr, Kateřina Jalovcová, Micela Zajmi and Jana Horáková - Levicová met in the station's vestibule in the early morning hours and gave an unexpected performance for passengers waiting for their trains. The soloists performed a short cocktail of world-famous arias accompanied by a piano. informed about this event in the article Opera singers dressed up as maintenance workers began to sing at the Central Station! Passengers were totally stunned!

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Státní opera
Wilsonova 4, 110 00 Praha 1
+420 224 901 448