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Pink Eiffel Tower, White Night and the Chocolate Show! That's Paris in October

Simona Deutou
02.Oct 2019
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3 minutes

Yesterday at 8.20 pm sharp, the Eiffel Tower lit up in beautiful shades of pink. A great reference to support all women (and men) who are fighting breast cancer. The organization wishes tourists to take pictures at the pink Eiffel Tower and spread the message around the world - it is for a good cause.

The chocolate show

Can anything be even sweeter than the pink-colored Eiffel Tower? The chocolate show, perhaps! Why not give it a try? The Salon du Chocolat presents the history of chocolate, from the discovery of cocoa 500 years ago to the present.

Chocolate dresses, truffles, cakes, tons of fruit, irresistible aroma and chocolate experts. All this can be found at the spectacular chocolate show, which takes place from 29.10. to 3.11. at the Place de la Porte de Versailles in Paris. The Salon du Chocolat, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary, holds a unique opening ceremony, co-organized by the Children of Africa Foundation.

20 producing countries from all over the world will reveal the secrets and riches of their cocoa! You will be able to make your own chocolate from carefully selected cocoa beans. Cooking and chocolate tasting courses are prepared for the youngest ones, in the age of 4-10.

The entrance fee is 360 crowns, children up to 12 years will pay 170 crowns and the youngest visitors up to 3 years have free entry. Admission to the opening ceremony is CZK 880.

Yum, that's gonna be delicious!

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Šaty z čokolády? Jedině na Akci plné čokolády Salon du Chocolat.
Šaty z čokolády? Jedině na Akci plné čokolády Salon du Chocolat.Source:

White Night is here! On October 5, Paris won't go to sleep!

During the White Night, Paris will turn into a luxury night gallery. Many museums, galleries and other popular places around the city will be open most of the night! Approximately one hundred artists will take part in the event. You can look forward to a music march, a night race through the museums or bicycle lane - all in the unforgettable atmosphere of night Paris. The event is free of charge!

You also have a unique opportunity to peek into the world of talented designer Yves Saint Laurent. In his museum, you can discover pieces of his work from his museum from 1974 to 2002, when he took early retirement. The museum offers not only a visual, but also an emotional experience. When you walk through his studios, you feel as if Yves were about to return any moment and design another unique dress studded with gems! The Fondation Pierre Bergé-Yves Saint Laurent, located on the 5th Avenue Marceau in Paris, near the Champs-Élysées, opened in September 2018, and is one of the most visited Parisian museums.

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Place de l
Place de l'Hôtel-de-Ville počas bílé noci v Paříži.Source:

Fireworks in the vineyards and luxury wine tasting! The Fête des Vendanges de Montmartre is an authentic autumn experience.

If you head to Montmartre in the 18th district of Paris, you will discover small vineyards surrounding the vibrant white Sacré-Coeur Church. This historic part of Paris is a symbol of world cuisine and fashion. The street artists, who will present their works at this magical festival from 9.10 to 13.10., are proof of that. You can look forward to delicious French as well as world cuisine!

The festivities feature wine tasting, local specialties, music, street performances and beautiful fireworks. Another unforgettable experience is the night run with hundreds of fluorescent lamps, which will take place on Thursday 10 October in the streets of Montmarter. On Friday, October 11, a beautiful dance performance called "Vendredi" will be held along the Nathalie Sarraute promenade.

And at the end of this festive week, you can dance under a colorful rainbow of colors at the foot of the Sacré-Coeur Basilica! Simply perfect!

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Festival  Fête des Vendanges de Montmartre.
Festival Fête des Vendanges de Montmartre.Source:

Pronájem bytu 3+kk - Praha 1 - 108
Pronájem bytu 3+kk - Praha 1 - 108, Praha 1

Luxury horse racing with a century-old tradition that guarantee a dose of excitement and adrenaline!

The most precious horses can be seen on the QATAR PRIX DE L'ARC DE TRIOMPHE, at the truly magnificent ParisLongchamp racetrack. The highest category races take place on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th October 2019.

You'll be able to experience horse racing in a pleasant atmosphere, accompanied by live music and delicious food, all of that in a beautiful green environment! The Qatar Prix de L'arc de Trimphe offer a whole new racing experience: Twilight races! They begin when the sky starts getting dark. At the 98th Qatar de l'Arc de Triomphe we can also look forward to seeing the Italian jockey Lanfranco Dettori, who won the 6th Arc title, a record in the history of the world's best horse races.

The tickets will cost from 250 crowns to 1000 crowns, persons under 18 years of age are admitted free of charge.

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Koňské dostihy QATAR PRIX DE L
Koňské dostihy QATAR PRIX DE L'ARC DE TRIOMPHE.Source:

Which event would you hate to miss? Personally, can't resist chocolate!

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