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Marek Dědik is an excellent dancer and choreographer and for the whole of three years he has been successfully heading a dance school. He is known to the public from StarDance. His new video is to attract new pupils to his school... It is hard to resist!

Marek Dědik: Everyone Can Dance, if They Wish to!

Eva Ledecká
04.Aug 2018
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2 minutes

The new black & white, impressive video was shot in the underground space of the former shop in Myslbek Street. Popular DJ, Chris Davies, was behind the camera; he is originally from Hungary, but you may know him from Prague Duplex, where he is often engaged. In front of the camera Marek Dědik showed off his luxurious dancing skills together with his wife-to-be Tereza; they have met through dance and they are to marry in September. The emotive dance music with elements of rumba, jazz and tango will transport you into another world ... Into one of which you will wish to become a part of!

Marek Dědik who has danced throughout his whole life to date (and thanks to international competitions at the same time literally around the globe), revealed why dance is so important:

"You meet with other people, socialise with your partner, you must learn the steps together, and then match them to music, so mutual communicate is important. Music and dance express your feelings - when you are sad or happy. Dance brings good mood and develops coordination of the body. A good dancer must be physically strong, must think, know the choreography; clarity, design and style all play their part."

Prodej investičního bytu - Praha 6 - 2+kk -
Prodej investičního bytu - Praha 6 - 2+kk -, Praha 6

"Find what you love and let it kill you."

Marek Dědik is a passionate dancer, which follows also from his credo. His dance school Marek Dědik Dance is based on transferring his passion for movement onto his pupils. Whether it is Latin dances, courses for children or baby dances, (dance for parents with children aged 3 months onwards in slings or in baby carriers), sport dancing or courses of formal dancing, he always puts emphasis on the fact that dance is here to be enjoyed, that you are proud of yourself, that you feel the music and dance through every cell of your body, to get beyond the boundaries of everyday burdens and discover the world of freedom. See his school of dance here:

According to Mark Dědík, everyone is able to dance.

"I think that everyone can dance, the question is HOW. In StarDance I have also met with such a ´talent´ as Lukáš Pavlásek, but absolutely everyone is able to produce something on the dance floor."

It is thanks to StarDance that Marek Dědík became known to the general public. This year in StarDance, Marek is to dance with popular Czech actress, Pavla Tomicová. In the past he also danced with Veronikou Žilková, Jitka Schneiderová and Olga Šípková. Which lady danced the best he failed to reveal...

"It was wonderful to dance with all of them. Each has a different character, but all three ladies were really nice and the cooperation was near perfect."

In addition to dance, Marek Dědík is now preoccupied by preparations for a wedding with his life partner Tereza, with whom he has a six-month-old son.

We wish the happy dance couple many beautiful moments during their common path in life.


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