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Previously condemned for perverse art (often also behavior), they are now the pride of every gallery that exhibits their work. We speak of Egon Schiele and Gustav Klimt.

Nudity elevated to art: Klimt and Schiele in the Exhibition Palace!

Eva Ledecká
09.Apr 2018
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Gustav Klimt - Virgin

This year marks the one hundredth anniversary of the death of the two most significant Viennese artists from the turn of the 19th and 20th Centuries. In honor of their unique talent, the Exhibition Palace will exhibit their work from Czech collections in an exhibition entitled “The End of the Golden Age” until July 15th.

Luxury art or pornography?

For both artists, women became a main theme when creating paintings. Pictures of naked women with attention focused primarily on the womb (often uncovered) and bust are typical for Egon Schiele. Gustav Klimt is renowned for finer paintings, on which ladies are shrouded in gold and complemented by luxurious floral decorations.

In both cases, however, the artists had naked ladies standing, sitting or lying in their studio, and it was mostly young girls. This, of course, caused a huge scandal among the public, but the pornographic market at that time was extremely satisfied.

Luxusní loft na prodej 3+kk, Praha Modřany
Luxusní loft na prodej 3+kk, Praha Modřany, Praha 4

Where would Schiele and Klimt be without women?

Although women were the central theme, it would be a mistake to limit their art to nudity only. Gustav Klimt is considered the founder of Art Nouveau (he founded the Viennese Art Nouveau Society), and his steps were also directed towards abstraction. In addition to painting, he devoted himself to designing interiors and jewelry. For example, he co-authored the luxurious decoration of the theater in Karlovy Vary. At the turn of the 19th and 20th Century, he was considered a celebrity. Egon Schiele was a master of dramatic portraits and self portraits.

Friends until death

Gustav Klimt was a big role model for Egon Schiele, and because he was a generation older and he saw the artistic genius in young Egon, he took him under his wing and introduced him to a higher and more luxurious society. At the beginning of the 20th Century they exhibited together, and after the death of Klimt, Egon took over the Viennese Art Nouveau Society. However, he only outlived Klimt by a few months.

Their paintings are appreciated around the world. In Český Krumlov, the city that Schiele loved and lived in for some time, stands an Art Center which bears his name. Upstairs you can see the original and unique works of Egon Schiele all year round.

At the Exhibition Palace, the eastern wing on the 4th floor is dedicated to both artists until July 15th.

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