Anastasia, played by Dakota Johnson, knows that life with Christian (Jamie Dornan) will not be a walk through a rose garden. Nevertheless, she can’t leave him and answers YES to his important question. Thanks to the billionaire Christian, the film takes us to a world of real luxury, in addition to erotica.
The wedded life of a sensual couple, and the luxurious and opulent setting in which they share their lives. Sexy architecture which puts Ana off.
The conclusion of the trilogy once again introduces Christian’s former lover Elena (Kim Basinger) and Ana’s former boss Jack Hyde, which means there will be no lack of jealous scenes. What’s more, lives will even be at stake: the extremely dangerous Jack abducts Ana and demands a plump ransom. What’s more, Christian learns that he knows Jack from the past.
How does it all end? How many children (if any) will the luxurious couple have, and will they stay together? Find out in the cinema on 8 February 2018!