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Luxury views are an integral part of luxury living. What we see out of the windows of our apartment or house significantly contributes to the feeling that we have set our roots somewhere truly exceptional. Apartments on the waterfront overlooking the river and the city skyline are rightly among the most sought after homes.

Living by the river: a new Prague trend or a return to history? Both!

Jana Vápeníková
02.Oct 2016
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Developerský projekt Karlín

Residential development along the banks of the Vltava has a long tradition in Prague. The Masaryk, Smetana, Janáček or Kosárek embankments have one thing in common: beautiful apartment buildings in the Art Nouveau, Classicist or Neo-Renaissance style have grown here over the centuries. These places exude romantic atmosphere and have a unique charm. As such, they have always been popular with the the city's upper class and intellectual elite, whether for afternoon strolls or as a place to live.

Apartments on the waterfront as silent witnesses of history

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, for example, the poet Jaroslav Vrchlický (appointed by Emperor František I himself to the Upper Austrian House of Commons, reserved only for the aristocracy, in 1900) lived at the Rašín Embankment. The Smetana Embankment, named after the famous Czech music composer Bedřich Smetana, who had lived there, too, witnessed the creation of The Bartered Bride. In 1881–1909, the Janáček Embankment was the home of Josef Zítek - the architect of the National Theater. In short, these parts of Prague have always attracted interesting personalities. And that hasn't changed.

Luxusní byt Janáčkovo nábřeží 250m
Luxusní byt Janáčkovo nábřeží 250m, Praha 5

Modern design with a traditional background

So what to focus on when you're looking for a really unique place, whether for investment purposes or to call your home? Unequivocally on luxury apartments on the waterfront. Look for houses built in one of the aforementioned architectural styles - they offer a magnificent view of Prague Castle, Charles Bridge, Lesser Town and the Vltava River. Renovated buildings in the original, historic city-centre environment and apartments that have undergone a complete sensitive reconstruction, whose new look has been designed with great admiration for Czech cultural tradition and history, respecting the genius loci while aptly working with modern elements - this unique combination offers luxurious and distinctive 21st century living.

New buildings by the river: hi-tech and luxury in one

Exceptional living spaces with a great view of the river can also be found in the form of brand new apartment complexes. Backed by tradition and inspired by a modern concept, luxury housing projects for the most demanding clients are gradually being brought to life along the Prague River. In Prague 7 you will find apartment complexes with a unique view of the Holešovice port and the Vltava. The location on the border of the busy center and quiet greenery is an ideal place to live. The view from the windows of the apartments is breathtaking: just take a look at the river from under half-closed eyelids and you'll suddenly find yourself in a sea port. Whether you favor luxury living with a piece of history or strictly modern design, focus on quality renovations or houses built with attention to detail and the maximum dose of luxury. Such a home can easily become your dream come true.

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