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Early Bird: The artist of the year is Taylor Swift. Biden to announce cabinet appointments. The sixteen-year-old Queen of TikTok

Lukáš Bilinec
23.Nov 2020
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3 minutes
Zpěvačka Taylor Swift

At the age of 30, singer Taylor Swift holds the record for most American Music Awards won. And a girl fourteen years her junior is breaking records on the social network TikTok! By the way, did you know that starting today, you don't have to be home until 11 pm?

Umělkyně roku 2020 - Taylor Swift

Joe Biden will announce the first names chosen for his cabinet tomorrow

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Joe Biden a Barack Obama
Joe Biden a Barack ObamaSource:

The oldest elected US president will announce some of his cabinet picks on Tuesday. His rival presidential candidate and the acting head of the United States, Donald Trump, still refuses to acknowledge his defeat - despite the fact that in the end, Biden received more electoral votes than Trump had in the last presidential election. In his then triumph over Clinton, Trump had labeled his victory as overwhelming.

So far, the media have mainly been discussing the positions of Foreign Minister, which should be filled by Antony Blinken, and that of Minister of Finance, which should go to former Fed Chairman Janet Yellen. The president's chief of staff, Ron Klain, once again appealed on Trump's administration to acknowledge the defeat and allow the process of transfer of power into Biden's hands to begin.

"A record number of Americans have rejected Trump's government, and since then Donald Trump has been rejecting democracy,"

Klain told This Week.

As of today, the fourth level of DOG applies in the Czech Republic

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Lidé s rouškami na ulici
Lidé s rouškami na uliciSource:

After several long weeks, anti-coronavirus measures are being sligthly eased in the Czech Republic. The Ministry of Health is mapping the epidemiological situation using the DOG (anti-epidemic system) risk score. And we have just made it out of the highest, purple level of risk in this system. If the epidemiological situation keeps developing positively in the coming days, there is a chance we might move to the orange, third level of DOG. It is at this alert state level that the opening of hotels, restaurants or shops could take place.

So what is is going to change today? The night curfew will now be observed from 11 pm, and some shops will be allowed to remain open just as late. Weddings, funerals or services can be attended by up to 20 participants. People can gather in groups of up to 6 under the current measures.

Pronájem bytu 3+kk - Praha 1 - 108
Pronájem bytu 3+kk - Praha 1 - 108, Praha 1

Angela Merkel is concerned about vaccination in poor countries

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Německá kancléřka Angela Merkel
Německá kancléřka Angela MerkelSource:

The German Chancellor is concerned about the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines in the poorest parts of the world. She spoke about this at the online G20 summit, where leaders promised a fair distribution of resources. However, Merkel warned that progress was too slow. She wants to appeal to the global vaccine alliance GAVI to start tackling the situation quickly. During the summit, the world's richest nations pledged support for poor countries whose economies were severely damaged by the crisis.

Taylor Swift won the American Music Awards

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Německá kancléřka Angela Merkel
Německá kancléřka Angela MerkelSource:

Under strict epidemiological measures, another edition of the prestigious American Music Awards was held tonight. The host of the gala show at The Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles was actress Taraji P. Henson. We even got to see a couple of live performances, including a new song collaboration by Justin Bieber and Shawn Mendes. The gala could be held in front of a limited number of spectators. Singer Taylor Swift took home the night's most prestigious award, Artist of the Year. The American star also triumphed in the categories Music Video of the Year and Favorite Pop Singer. Despite being only 30 years old, Taylor holds the record for most American Music Awards won. The New Artist of the Year Award went to rapper and singer Doja Cat.

Underwater sculpture park near Miami Beach

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Podmořský sochařský park The ReefLine
Podmořský sochařský park The ReefLineSource: Office for Metropolitan Architecture

The architectural company OMA is working on a more than 11-kilometer-long underwater sculpture park. It seeks to draw attention climate change. The park was named ReefLine and is being built off the coast of Miami Beach. It will only be possible to view the sculptural installations while snorkeling. The design team includes architects, marine biologists, researchers and offshore engineers. It aims to raise awareness of rising sea level and coral reef damage. ReefLine is intended to have an educational and practical function and bolster the shoreline of Miami Beach. The ReefLine masterplan will be composed of geometric concrete modules, stacked approximately six metres under water and approximately 900 feet 247 metres off shore.

"The ReefLine is a unique project that brings attention to and mitigates the dangers of climate change in Miami Beach, while simultaneously enriching the city's vivid art scene,"

explains OMA partner Shohei Shigematsu.

TikTok has the first account with more than 100 million followers

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Telefon s aplikací TikTok
Telefon s aplikací TikTokSource:

Only 16-year-old Charli D'Amelio became the first creator on the social network TikTok who broke the magical limit of 100 million followers. So far, only two other accounts in this application have achieved at least half the success - 50 million fans. While it took 14 years for the first account on YouTube to exceed 100 million followers, Charli got there on TikTok a year and a half after setting up her account, which dates back to May 2019. TikTok has only been around since August 2018. It wasn't until recently that it began to pay its most popular creators, who, however, find the payouts from this Chinese platform too low, wherefore many of them are trying to expand their field of activity. Charli, for example, has launched her podcast, puts more videos on YouTube, and has signed a book contract in recent months.

That's all from us for the first day of this week. We wish you to fulfill at least one of your dreams in the coming days, as even the American writer Richard Bach knew that:

"You are never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true."

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