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Early Bird: Controversy around a Disney princess. Another fire in Beirut. Former Bond girl dies

Linda Veselá
11.Sep 2020
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2 minutes
Angelina Jolie

Have a great Friday, everyone! The end of the week is finally here and, just like every morning, our Early Bird brings you a selection of news that kept it up at night.

Measures are returning to Prague buses

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V bejrútském přístavu vypukl požár
V bejrútském přístavu vypukl požárSource: Profimedia

Due to the spread of coronavirus, the Prague transport company decided to introduce further measures. As of today, people using the Prague public transport cannot enter or exit through the front door. Bus drivers will also automatically open all the doors at each stop where the bus halts - but you still need to press the request stop button where necessary. The first rows of seats in city buses have been blocked off again.

The only exceptions from the ban are the most modern 14T and 15T trams and the line 32.

American firefighters are still losing the battle with the flames

Flames continue to plague America. At least 15 people have died so far in the fires that have engulfed California, Oregon and Washington. In Oregon, about half a million people had to be evacuated. Authorities expect this number to continue to rise - firefighters are unable to control fires in dozens of places.

Prodej luxusního mezonetu 4 + 1, Praha
Prodej luxusního mezonetu 4 + 1, Praha, Praha 5

The former Bond girl died

Actress Diana Rigg died at the age of 82. The star died in her sleep after being diagnosed with cancer in March.

She became famous as the only woman to say "yes" to James Bond in a movie. But Diana's career doesn't end there - since the early 1960s, she has starred in films and TV-series such as The Avengers or Game of Thrones.

George Lazenby, who played the role of James Bond, wrote on Instagram:

"As my new bride, Tracy Bond, I wept for her loss. Now, upon hearing of Dame Diana’s death, I weep again. My deepest condolences for her family.

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Autobus stojí před moderní budovou
Autobus stojí před moderní budovouSource:

Beirut on fire. Again

Flames engulfed the port of Beirut again, a mere week after a giant explosion had killed about 200 people at the same place. The authorities therefore ordered the people to stay away from the port for the sake of their own safety.

The cause of the fire was not immediately clear, but according to the Lebanese army, a fire broke out in an oil and tire depot. The flames didn't claim any human lives this time.

Controversy around a princess

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Diana Rigg - "Game of thrones"
Diana Rigg - "Game of thrones"Source:

The controversy over the new film Mulan from the workshop of Walt Disney Pictures is intensifying. First, the film caused a stir abroad over its ties to the Xinjiang region, which has long been known for oppressing Uighurs and other Muslims.

Now, however, even the Chinese authorities have reacted: they banned all major news stations from announcing the film's premiere. Which could be a problem for Disney, because China is its main target country.

Angelina Jolie sent money to a children's lemonade stand

When two British six-year-old boys set up a stand with a lemonade and tried to raise money for people affected by the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, they certainly didn't expect the interest of world-famous celebrities. They must have been thoroughly shocked when Angelina Jolie contacted them through her agent. The actress offered to donate money to support their cause. She also sent a letter to the children thanking them for their efforts and apologizing for not being able to buy lemonade from them in person:

"Dear Ayaan and Mikaeel. Thank you what you and your friends are doing to help the children in Yemen. I'm sorry I'm not able to buy a lemonade from you, but I'd still like to make a donation to your stand."

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Půl milionu lidí musí být v Oregonu evakuováno
Půl milionu lidí musí být v Oregonu evakuovánoSource: Profimedia

And that's all from us for today! Enjoy a beautiful and sunny weekend. Why not spend it with someone you love? As the Oriental proverb says:

"If you have friends, visit them often, because the path you don't walk grows with thorns and bushes."

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