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Life goes on. Work helps Jiří Krampol keep the grief at bay.

Jiří Krampol lost his wife, but he's not cancelling his performances. The reaction of the fans is shocking

Ing. Petra Zelená
04.Aug 2020
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2 minutes
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Hana byla Krampolovou čtvrtou manželkou.

Cheerful, full of smiles and always positive. According to Jiří Krampol, such was his wife. However, not in recent years, when her health problems began to pile up. For Hana Krampolová († 59), life was like a rollecoaster, and yesterday she unfortunately took the last ride. Hanka passed away in her husband's arms. The news of her death spread through the internet like wildfire and the reactions of the fans were not long in coming.

Hana byla Krampolovou čtvrtou manželkou.
Komentáře fanoušků na facebooku.
Komentáře fanoušků na facebooku.

Hana Krampolová had long-term problems with pills and alcohol, which resulted in mental issues. Due to a weakened organism, she was repeatedly admitted in the hospital and her addictions had to be treated in rehab several times. According to the actor, however, none of the above caused the death of his wife; it was rather that past injuries caught up with her. She'd undergone triple surgery on her shoulder, knee and broken pubic bone, had indigestion, an epileptic seizure, and a host of other ailments that played a role in her last moments. As for Jiří, he finds it impossible to believe that his beloved twenty-three-years-younger wife, whom he cared for day and night, doing his best to support her even in the most difficult moments, has really deceased.

"It's absurd, but I've always thought it would be Hanka taking care of me rather than the other way round. And it never occurred to me that I would survive her,"

admits the actor, who intends to ease his pain by delving into work. All contracted theater performances will thus take place according to plan.

"I don't want to cancel anything. I'd just be drowning in memories. My next performance is on Friday. It would suck to give in to nostalgia,"

he says firmly. If you expected a flood of condolences, you couldn't be more wrong. A considerable number of the people commenting on Facebook have a strong opinion about the death of Jiří Krampol's fourth wife.

"The problem was her drinking,"

claims a fan.

Prodej bytové jednotky 2x 1+kk, Praha
Prodej bytové jednotky 2x 1+kk, Praha, Praha 2

"I think she is the one to blame for her health issues,"

says another comment. But there are even people who seem to believe that Hana's death is a liberation for the popular actor.

"I'm sorry I have to write this, but it will be a relief for Mr. Krampol. Because the things he had to go through with her weren't good for his health either..."

one of the fans gave her honest opinion.

She didn't get to have a fresh start

Hana Krampolová's condition was allegedly triggered by the death of her mother, whom Jiří Krampol's wife clung to. The actor tried to support her as much as possible. He understood that his wife was in a difficult life situation.

"When you have two or three injuries at once, are stuck at home for three years and take painkillers and sleeping pills, your thinking naturally changes. You become a different person after all that. It's very difficult to get back to normal,"

explains the actor, who has only recently brought his recovered wife home from a rehab, where she spent four long months, made much more challenging by the coronavirus pandemic.

"It's been a horrible lesson. When I get home, I will be really grateful for it,"

Krampolová promised only a few weeks ago, having gained twenty-eight kilos and mental stability within the walls of the rehab. However, she didn't have time to step into a new life alongside her beloved husband; stomach problems raised their head she died in the arms of her Jiří yesterday evening at home.

"Jirka called an ambulance for Hana, but by the time it arrived, she was practically gone. She died in his arms. According to the first information from the ambulance, Hanka died of bleeding into the lower part of the tract. The official medical report should be available in the afternoon,"

confirmed Krampol's manager Miloš Schmiedberger.

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