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Prague postpones its fashion week

And there it is. Public events are being cancelled due to coronavirus!

Karolína Lišková
6. 3. 2020
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Po celém světě se kvůli obavě z nákazy ruší veřejné akce.

There are only twelve infected patients in Prague and public events are already being canceled, as well as flights, and the people are afraid. It is only a matter of time before the Czech metropolis turns into a ghost town, because everyone will be afraid of going out. The organizers of the Mercedes-Benz Prague Fashion Week were among the first to resort to taking measures preventing a large number of people from gathering in one place.

And no wonder, given the fact that flights from Italy have been suspended. Italy is a fashion mecca. Therefore, the upcoming edition is being postponed from the original date in March to the second half of May.

"At this point, we feel the need to act responsibly and we don't want to put any of our guests, co-workers, or anyone in the MBPFW production team in a situation of high risk to health. At the same time, we count on the participation of many foreign guests from world capitals, including Milan. Our goal is to preserve the original program. The venue - the Monastery of St. Gabriel, is confirmed and remains unchanged,"

said Lukáš Loskot, CEO of MBPFW.

Luxusní penthouse na Praze 1 - 226m
Luxusní penthouse na Praze 1 - 226m, Praha 1

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Na módní přehlídky se můžeme těšit až v květnu, snad.
Na módní přehlídky se můžeme těšit až v květnu, snad.Source: archiv MBPFW

Biathlon without spectators

Covid-19 scares the organizers of sports events, too. Without spectators, in front of empty stands, devoid of an authentic atmosphere, the Biathlon World Cup began in Nové Město. The highland closed the Arena due to concerns regarding the spread of coronavirus. The organizers of the Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan are subject to the very same panic.

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Biatlonisti závodí bez podpory diváků.
Biatlonisti závodí bez podpory diváků. Source: archiv Biatlonu

Bond cannot die

The immortal James Bond is also in danger. The premiere of this charming gentleman's new story No Time to Die has been postponed by seven months. Originally, it was supposed to be screened in April, but according to the new plan, it will arrive to British cinemas on November 12 and to other countries on November 25.

There has been speculation about its postponing ever since the promotional campaign in Asia was suspended. In China alone, 70,000 cinemas are closed.

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Nesmrtelného krasavce uvidíme až za sedm měsíců.
Nesmrtelného krasavce uvidíme až za sedm měsíců. Source: archiv filmu


Coronavirus frightens the entire world, which has a huge impact on sales in almost all sectors. The economic downturn in many countrie is considerables. The only companies that make money from the new respiratory diseas are those that produce masks and respirators or hand sanitizers. Whoever comes up with a vaccine will become a millionaire.

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