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MBPFW: Imreczeova FW18 has Shown Interplay with Nature and Mad Make-up

Dominika Žejdl
18.Mar 2018
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2 minutes

Despite the fact that models of designer Zdeňka Imreczeova are simple, minimalist and elegant, she always gets attention at the fashion week. She managed it this time round, too. The introduction of the FW18 collection in Clam-Gallas Palace was shocking and pleasant at the same time. Under her brand luxury clothing is created with perfect finish, informal elegance and a touch of the avant garde.

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Názor PROTI PROUDU: Dominika Žejdl

Music, slow walk of models and outfits in subtle colours

When the luxury show kicked off, everyone in the hall was looking forward to see what surprise did the designer prepare this time. When the first model came to the room, everyone observed her look with bated breath. In this year´s FW18 collection the designer placed her bet on luxurious natural colours, such is grey, beige, khaki, white and black, which adorned the elegant, sometimes very asymmetric models. The atmosphere during the entire show was out of this world. This impression was created by connecting dramatic music with the look of the models who probably found walking in the luxurious high heels to be very difficult, and the interesting albeit a little spooky make-up. 

Fashion for a modern, practical woman

Women who love original, luxurious and stylish clothes will certainly be able to choose from the FW18 collection, which even though being simple, is definitely sure to attract attention; it is also very feminine. Jackets with flaps, long lightweight dresses, a dress suit or for example a long delicate skirt. All of this could be seen at the fashion show. Usually monochrome clothes combine clean lines with elaborate details. Interesting was also the choice of shoes, which were either sporty or high heels. Some were elegant, others closely resembled horse hoofs. The show was concluded by a model featuring a transparent top in nude colour accompanied by a long sequined skirts. 

Prodej investičního ateliéru 22m2-Praha
Prodej investičního ateliéru 22m2-Praha, Praha 10

Zdeňka Imreczeova shocked by strange make-up

The simplicity of models was accentuated by the designer by very striking, but at the same time subtle make-up. Models wore basically just a red lipstick and instead of make-up, half of their faces and hair was "graced" by white paint. The overall effect was therefore quite eccentric, but precisely because of that nobody of those present will forget the show. 

Dominika Žejdl

Názor PROTI PROUDU: Ornella Koktová

I miss a little imagination in this collection

Zdeňka Imreczeova created a collection that will not insult anyone, but which will also not enthuse anyone. When you look closely at the models that this lady created, you say to yourself “Why should I buy this?". Yes, that is a really interesting question. Why buy a classic-cut black leather jacket, which you could have for a long time now buy at any branch of KARA?

I am probably one of the few that actually live under the impression that a designer is like an artist who is trying to sell his art. So why not involve more imagination? Some of those winter jackets - for example the square grey one - which woman would today put that voluntarily on? Something similar was worn in socialist Czechoslovakia (as my Grandmother confirmed when having a look at the picture) and in those days it certainly wasn´t a winning number either!

And which model in my opinion scored? Certainly the champagne-coloured coat of Burberry type with a tied belt around the waist with very light-brown trousers and olive-coloured ankle-high boots on a heel. I have seen it a million times everywhere else, too, but it is simply classic that will not go amiss.

Ornella Koktová
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