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Expensive cars, luxury jewellery, timeless home accessories that bear the names of luxury brands. Luxury goods are a highly-sought part of our lives.


Tereza Janatová
1. 7. 2016
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Luxury goods are on the rise. People are interested in them, as proven not just by the vast boom in online sales, but also by the fact that luxury brands are starting to focus on area other than their priority segments. This is why it is no problem to find a Versace hotel or luxury furniture and home accessories by Armani Casa. 

Luxury goods include mainly clothing, accessories, jewellery, watches, cosmetics, wine and alcoholic beverages. However, you can also find luxury furniture, unique electronics and stationary.


The greatest fans of luxury goods include Russia and China. Both these countries have had a major impact on the growth of the luxury goods segment, although they are slowly easing their foot off the gas pedal. This year, China has started stagnating due to the economic downturn and consistent cutting of spending on luxury goods. However, a modest recovery is expected again from 2017. As for Russians, there have been economic and geopolitical changes since 2014 that have affected the Russian economy.  Hence, Russians have stopped buying expensive trifles and are focussing more on investment.

Prodej luxusního bytu 3kk v Pařížské ulici
Prodej luxusního bytu 3kk v Pařížské ulici, Praha 1


Surveys have showed that Czechs do not consider luxury goods as a means of satisfying their needs, but instead associate them with a desire to gain the respect of their peers. Symbols of luxury goods for Czech are cars, watches and clothing. On the other hand, things like a luxury vacation, home furnishings or luxury services are not as highly regarded here. There are countless shops with luxury goods in the Czech Republic, with Pařížská Street in the forefront. But who actually buys these luxury brands? One half of the buyers are actually Czechs, which the other half consists of foreigners, primarily Chinese and Russian. Visitors from China and the USA spend the most per single purchase in the Czech Republic.

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Do you like giving gifts to your loved ones? What would make them happy? Luxury gifts are the obvious choice, guaranteed to put a smile on everybody’s face, even yours.


Tereza Janatová
01.Jul 2016
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Have you run out of inspiration for what to buy as a gift? Does everybody already have everything and need nothing? Try to focus on luxury gifts, which are not just a sort of personal message, but in many cases an excellent investment.

Luxury gifts boast superior quality, amazing design and are generally created to serve for many years. They are gifts that will offend nobody, often surprise the recipient and certainly make them very happy.


In most cases it is very difficult to give a man a gift that will be original yet sure to please. With luxury girts, it’s somewhat easier. Does he love watches? Does he like wearing ties? Does his occupation prescribe luxury fashion? So much the better. Leather handbags or diaries by Antorini make a beautiful luxury gift.  Luxury pens by Waterman or Parker or silver money clips set with diamonds.

Prodej bytu 4+1, Praha 1 - 135
Prodej bytu 4+1, Praha 1 - 135, Praha 1


Have you ever met a woman that wouldn’t like to get gifts? And have you ever met one that would refuse a luxury gift? We haven’t. Be it a luxury handbag by Prada or a gorgeous Versace perfume, it is always the perfect choice. Silk scarves, managerial supplies, luxury jewels, wallets and luxury luggage. If you are looking for the ideal gift for a woman, you simply can’t go wrong and it’s always a bull’s eye.


Luxury and the world of fashion often impacts children early on, and they often know more about luxury brands than many adults. But let’s start from the beginning. If you want to give a child a luxury gift as soon as they are born, there is no better moment. There are countless luxury goods on the market, from gold-plated angels to silver rattles to treasure-boxes for their first teeth. For larger children, the world of luxury offers practically everything that the adult world does. Jewellery, electronics, clothing, luxury experiences.

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