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Living at Ovenecká Street Represents Life with a Touch of Class

Eva Ledecká
20.Mar 2019
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Ovenecká Street, Bubeneč, Prague

The Prague Ovenecká Street has two parts. The Holešovice one leads from Letenské Square toward National Technical Museum near Letná Park. As regards architecture and housing, it is not as interesting as the one on the other side, the Bubeneč part, which at Letenské náměstí square crosses the Veletržní Street and continues toward the Stromovka Park. Here, there is plenty to admire!

In spring, trees change this street beyond recognition!

At the Bubeneč side, Ovenecká Street is lined on both sides by luxurious mature trees. Thanks to that, in spring and summer it is full of greenery, accentuated by small front gardens of the majestic houses here. This is not so frequently seen in Prague! Ovenecká Street is also unusually wide and therefore it was the first one, where the first tram rails were built toward the newly-constructed site at the Royal Game Preserve.

Luxurious houses with the hallmark of history and architectural skill

As is so often the case, long before this noble street was developed here, there had been a village, which gave it its name - Přední Ovenec. Now you can find here a few Neo-Renaissance houses, which; however, have a different façade now. Most stately houses, which stand on the east side of the street, were designed by Art Nouveau architect, Alois Masák. Each house is original, mostly with a frontispiece in the style of the late geometric Art Nouveau. On the other hand, the west side is dominated by new, modern, higher constructions.

Prodej bytu 4+1, Praha 1 - 135
Prodej bytu 4+1, Praha 1 - 135, Praha 1

The Ovenecká Street is a magnet for many

In the interwar era, guests could get accommodation here at the luxurious hotel Splendid, designed by architect and hotel entrepreneur, Alois Krofta. The house has long since stopped serving as a hotel, but the street lost nothing of its elegance. The pleasant and quiet location, spacious apartments in buildings, which just breathe history, and beautiful Prague at your fingertips, makes the Ovenecká Street one of the most sought-after locations in the area.

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