Humanity isn't called the destroyer of our planet for nothing. The testament to that is not only the destruction of nature, but also beautiful places that get destroyed by crowds of often careless tourists. Have a look at five places that have been suffering mostly in recent years.
The enormous wildfires raging in the Amazon rainforest terrify politicians, celebrities and normal people alike. It is a serious threat, because this rainforest produces by estimates roughly 10 percent of all of the planet's oxygen. Thus it isn't called "the lungs of the planet" for no reason. These wildfires break out regularly and most often people are the ones responsible - local farmers and agriculturists who cut or burn down the forest to make room for pastures for their cattle. NASA's satellite images confirm this, showing the fires originating in the same spots almost every year.
Practically from the moment when the Thai Maya Bay appeared in the movie The Beach with Leonardo DiCaprio, it became a destination for millions of fans. It used to be visited by up to 5000 people per day, transported here by cruise ships, which almost destroyed the local ecosystem! The local corals took the worst hit, falling victim to careless tourists, and were further damaged by certain components in sunscreens. It all went so far that last June, the local authorities ordered the beach to be closed completely, so that nature could regenerate. It isn't expected to be reopened before 2021.
The influx of tourists to Barcelona is really becoming a burning problem. Every year more and more people visit this romantic and beautiful city, at the moment it's over 30 million tourists a year. The suffering is felt not only by local residents, but the historical sights too. Another serious problem lies in the hundreds of giant cruise ships that dock in the local harbor, which greatly pollutes the environment. New studies claim that these ships let out more sulfur into the atmosphere than all cars in the entire Europe. This harbor thus belongs among the dirtiest ones in the world.
During about the last 50 years of tourists visiting the great Egyptian pyramids, these monuments have suffered great damage. There are heaps of trash on site, the memorials are damaged and there are almost no investments into their maintenance, so if you're looking for a romantic experience, you can keep dreaming. The most damage has been caused by mass tourism since the start of this millennium.
Dirty water, fishing and harmful chemicals in the sea. All these things kill the corals living on the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia. The problem is multiplied by the rising overall temperature of the oceans caused by global warming; warmer water causes the corals to bleach and die. Just between the years 2016 and 2017, almost half of this underwater world has perished.