The corona crisis has proven that the Czechs are able to stick together and help each other out. But more help is always needed! Famous personalities are aware of that and they're trying to lead by example. Some celebrities aren't afraid of gaining a few extra pounds and opted for providing a sweet kind of help! Would you also like to offer your support? We'll tell you exactly how at the end of this article. But we can promise you one thing: this help will really cheer you up.
Tichá cukrárna ("The Silent Confectionery") launched a campaign to help deaf employees called "Let's Sweeten up Their Lives", and it's very simple. All you have to do is order something yummy, thereby helping the disabled keep their jobs. The chairman of the Pirates party Ivan Bartoš is one of the people who adore sweets, so he didn't hesitate for a moment when the birthday of his wife's daughter was approaching. He ordered a cake for the so-called balcony party and the whole family had a blast. And he didn't forget to thank the confectioners on his social networks, thus encouraging others not to worry about the swimsuit season and sweeten up their lives in this difficult time, too.
"Together with Lydia Franka Bartošová and Amel, we'd like to thank you for making our non-traditional balcony 14th birthday celebration sweeter. You, too, can sweeten up the lives of your loved ones or your heroes!
In this way, you can simulaneously give joy to "your hero" and support the operation of Tichá cukrárna and its deaf employees,"
By making an extra contribution or simply buying sweets, each of us can also support those who work the hardest these days. Deaf employees of Tichá cukrárna are baking and preparing sweet treats as a reward for police officers, firefighters and doctors.
The coronavirus pandemic is a very difficult period for us all, and Tichý svět ("The Silent World") wants to continue to provide sheltered jobs, thereby helping the deaf not to lose their income. That's why the campaign "Let's Sweeten up Their Lives" was launched, enabling people to support the cause in two ways. By contributing to the delivery of products from the confectionery to the employees of the IRS units or by sending the products from Tichá cukrárna with an original wish to anyone and anywhere in Prague.
"Each of us certainly has someone we would like to thank, wish the best for their birthday, congratulate for their success or simply remind that we're thinking of them, for no reason other than to make them happy. Everyone can choose their hero to whom they want to send joy and whose life they want to sweeten up,"
Other confectioneries and bakeries have began to notice Tichá cukrárna's initiative and they're now also giving joy to front-line workers.