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On 28. October 2018 several interwar-era (First Republic) buildings will be opened to the public as well as the Vyšehrad steamboat. This luxurious opportunity is presented to you by the Open House Prague organisation.

Have you Visited the Vyšehrad Steamboat? You Will Have a Unique Opportunity on 28.10.!

Eva Ledecká
24.Oct 2018
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2 minutes
 The Vyšehrad Steamboat

Seznamte se s dobou první republiky prostřednictvím luxusní architektury. Na prohlídku významných prvorepublikových staveb snad ani neexistuje vhodnější datum než 28. říjen 2018, sto let od založení Československa.

Díky organizaci Open House Praha můžete nahlédnout do 8 pražských budov a jednoho historického parníku. A právě o něm vám přinášíme zajímavé informace.

The Vyšehrad Steamboat
The Vyšehrad Steamboat
The Vyšehrad Steamboat

You will have a chance to familiarize yourself with the time of the First Republic through luxury of architecture, too. There is not a better suited day for a tour of notable First Republic buildings than the date of 28. October 2018, a hundred-year jubilee of the founding of Czechoslovakia. Thanks to the Open House Prague organisation you can visit eight Prague buildings and one historic steamboat. And we wish to present you with some interesting information about the latter.

The largest, the oldest and for almost 900 people!

This largest and oldest steamboat on the Vltava River, originally bearing the name of T. G. Masaryk; was used for passenger transport on the Vltava River - taking passengers from Vraný nad Vltavou and later to Štěchovice. It was christened in 1938. It was able to sail at a speed of 127 km/h, being driven by paddle wheels, its length was 62 metres and it could accommodate 885 passengers. It was manufactured by Ústí nad Labem shipyard and wood producers.

The main refurbishment of the luxury steamboat took place in 1992, as part of which it obtained its current name - Vyšehrad. It was rebuilt into a restaurant steamboat with a capacity of 300 persons. Its last renovation was carried out this year, managed by architect František Weber, who endeavoured to restore it to its original luxury form.

Prodej luxusní vily, Praha 6 - Nebušice – 312
Prodej luxusní vily, Praha 6 - Nebušice – 312, Praha 6

An amazing opportunity to visit this national cultural monument

In 2013 it was declared a national cultural monument, which now serves as a restaurant, with sightseeing trips around Prague, but also beyond - to Mělník or Slapy. It is docked at Rašínovo nábřeží bank, between Palacký´s and Jirásek´s bridges.

All of the interior areas of the oldest paddle steamer in the Czech Republic, including the wheelhouse and the engine room, may be viewad within the framework of the project of the Open House Prague organisation, bearing the name of Architecture of the First Republic in Prague, which will be held on 28. October.

Within the framework of this project you can also view some other architectural treasures of the interwar era:

The House agricultural education
The Hus Congregational House in Vinohrady
The Hus Congregational House in Vršovice
Church of the Sacred Heart in Vinohrady
Church of St. Wenceslaus in Vršovice
Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic Na Františku
Palace Metro and Theatre Image at Národní třída
Tyrš´ House in Malá Strana

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