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Early Bird: A sad record for the Czech Republic. New iPhone to be launched. Kim Kardashian's nightmare

Linda Veselá
07.Oct 2020
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2 minutes
Kim Kardashian sedí na pohovce

Crisis or not, Ikea will open a record number of new branches next yet, despite a noticeable decline in sales. And they're not the only one who decided to take a risk. Amidst the epidemic, China is planning the biggest Andy Warhol exhibition the country has ever seen!

New Czech record in the number of infected

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Žena sedí v autě a je jí prováděn test na covid-19
Žena sedí v autě a je jí prováděn test na covid-19Source:

The Czech Republic has a new, sad record. The daily increase in the number of coronavirus infections reached 4,457. In total, over 40,000 people are currently ill.

Furthermore, thirteen people succumbed to the disease yesterday, making a total of 794.

Death penalty for the Boston bomber?

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Džochar Carnajev
Džochar CarnajevSource: Profimedia

The US Department of Justice asked the Supreme Court for the death penalty for the assassin Dzhokhar Carnajev. He and his brother are responsible for the Boston Marathon bombing in 2013. Three people died and more than 260 others were injured in the attack.

In 2015, the federal jury found Jochar guilty of all 30 counts and sentenced him to death. Although the Court of Appeal originally upheld the judgment, it later ordered a new trial to determine the quantum of the sentence.

In addition, according to the Ministry of Justice, the decision of the Court of Appeal means that the whole case would have to be re-examined:

"The victims would thus have to re-describe the horrors the defendant caused them."

Ikea plans to open a record number of branches

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Mladý pár sedí na gauči a listuje katalogem
Mladý pár sedí na gauči a listuje katalogemSource:

In the next twelve months, Ikea plans to open a record number of branches worldwide - fifty. That means they will have a total of 445 stores in various corners of the world. This time, the company plans to focus mainly on smaller stores in city centers.

According to Ikea, interest in their products increased during the quarantine, when people were locked up at home and tried to improve their households. Even so, the company admits that more and more of their customers are switching to online shopping.

China is planning the biggest Warhol exhibition the country has seen

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Andy Warhol na černém pozadí
Andy Warhol na černém pozadíSource: - The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc.⁠

The Beijing Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA) is planning the largest exhibition of pop art icon Andy Warhol in China, despite the raging epidemic. It should open next summer, presenting visitors with more than 200 paintings, prints, drawings, films and photographs. It was year's Picasso exhibition what gave the UCCA the idea, since it was a huge success. Once visitors will have had a chance to see the exhibition in Beijing, it will move on to Shanghai.

Kim Kardashian's terrifying experience

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Kim Kardashian sedí na pohovce
Kim Kardashian sedí na pohovceSource:

If one were to describe who Kim Kardashian is, one would probably use terms such as "reality show star" or "fashion mogul". Now, however, she has gained a new title: "home caregiver".

Kanye West had spoken about his battle with the coronavirus infection already in July. However, Kim recently explained what it had been like to take care of her sick husband. She says Kanye had caught the disease way at the beginning, when nobody really knew what was going on:

"I had to go and change his sheets and help him get out of bed when he wasn't feeling good. It was a challenge because it was so unknown. Changing his sheets with gloves and a face shield was really a scary time."

New iPhone to launch in the coronavirus era

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Žena ve žluté bundě používá svůj smartphone
Žena ve žluté bundě používá svůj smartphoneSource:

Apple has announced the launch date of the new iPhone. And it's next week! At least everything seems to suggest it. The technology giant sent out invitations for October 13. It will most likely be an iPhone 12 with the option to connect to a 5G network. Apple usually introduces new models in September, but this year the global pandemic has disrupted its supply chain.

That's all from us for today! Have a nice day. And don't worry about anything! As Dalai Lama said:

"If a problem can be solved there is no use worrying about it. If it can't be solved, worrying will do no good."

Byt na prodej - Praha 8 - Libeň - 52m
Byt na prodej - Praha 8 - Libeň - 52m, Praha 8

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