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Early Bird: NASA wants to send the first woman to the Moon. The bars will close earlier. The UN General Assembly has begun

Linda Veselá
23.Sep 2020
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3 minutes
Taylor Swift pózuje v pestrobarevném outfitu

We wish you a beautiful Wednesday! More coronavirus measures are coming, so make sure to enjoy our last day without them. But let's not be overly negative: It seems like the Troja footbridge could finally be opened and NASA plans to send the first ever woman to the Moon. Like every morning, our Early Bird has prepared an overview of news for you that you can't do without today.

More changes? On Thursday!

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Číšník nese jídlo s rouškou
Číšník nese jídlo s rouškouSource:

The Ministry of Health will announce further measures to combat Covid-19 today. Yesterday's statements of the new Minister of Health Roman Prymula gave a pretty clear idea about the direction in which these will go.

The opening hours of restaurants and bars will be limited to 10 pm, instead of the current midnight, and the number of participants in public events will be reduced. According to Prymula, it would be appropriate to limit the number of participants in outdoor events to 100 and indoor ones to 50. However, there are likely to be exceptions for less dangerous events - those where poeple don't eat or drink and keep a safe distance from each other.

Pronájem luxusní vily 7+1, Praha - Západ – 373
Pronájem luxusní vily 7+1, Praha - Západ – 373,

Another restriction should reduce the number of seated spectators of sporting events to about 2,000 people. The changes should take effect from Thursday.

And to make matters worse: Germany will probably include the entire Czech Republic on the list of risk areas; the Netherlands did so yesterday.

Quarrels among world leaders

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Trump stojí u řečnického pultu, na sobě má tmavý oblek a modrou kravatu.
Trump stojí u řečnického pultu, na sobě má tmavý oblek a modrou kravatu.Source: Profimedia

World leaders met virtually at the UN General Assembly on Tuesday. Due to the epidemic and the situation in New York, the summit had to take place online, and each participant sent a pre-recorded speech.

US President Donald Trump, French leader Emmanuel Macron, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Turkish Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Brazilian Jair Bolsonaro and Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke on Tuesday.

Donald Trump caused some tension by calling the coronavirus the "Chinese virus" and demanding that the UN declare China guilty. Bolsonaro, in turn, used his speech to accuse foreign agents of inciting fires in the Amazon, and Erdogan blamed Greece of creating regional problems.

Ralph Lauren to lay off thousands

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Modelové v barevném oblečení Ralph Lauren pózují
Modelové v barevném oblečení Ralph Lauren pózujíSource:

Fashion brand Ralph Lauren announced that it would cut 15% of its global workforce by the end of this fiscal year (March 2021). It is estimated that more than 3,500 people could be affected by the measure. The company explained that it strives to lower costs and focus more on online sales.

The Troja footbridge is almost finished!

It could be in operation for the public as early as October, but before its opening, the footbridge has to pass a static and dynamic load test. The static one - carrying the load of ten vehicles - took place on Tuesday from 7:00 to 22:00. In the following days, the bridge will undergo a dynamic test.

According to the mayor of Prague 7, Jan Čižinský, the residents are looking forward to the new footbridge:

Prodej investičního bytu - Praha 6 - 2+kk -
Prodej investičního bytu - Praha 6 - 2+kk -, Praha 6

"Thanks to the chosen steel construction, the bridge will be stronger, safer, and it will also be easier to diagnose the condition. The new footbridge is now one and a half meters higher than it was originally, to prevent damage in the event of a flood."

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Primátor Zdeněk Hřib stojí před lávkou
Primátor Zdeněk Hřib stojí před lávkouSource: Magistrát hlavního města Prahy

Music awards

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Taylor Swift pózuje v pestrobarevném outfitu
Taylor Swift pózuje v pestrobarevném outfituSource:

Billboard Music Awards 2020 revealed its nominations on Tuesday! There is a huge range of names among the nominees, from Pink and Ed Sheeran to Maroon 5. The Best Artist category is dominated by famous personalities such as Taylor Swift, Post Malone, Billie Eilish, Jonas Brothers and Khalid.

This year's awards are based on music charts from the period between March 23, 2019 and March 14, 2020. The show had originally been scheduled to take place on April 29, but it was postponed.

The first woman on the Moon? In 2024

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Pohled na Měsíc z vesmíru.
Pohled na Měsíc z vesmíru.Source: Pixabay

NASA has ambitious plans for 2024: to transport the first ever woman to the moon.

The plan is called Artemis after the Greek goddess, Apollo's twin: it was the Apollo 11 mission that succeeded in transporting the first humans to the Moon in July 1969. The cost of this mission is estimated at $ 28 billion.

According to NASA Communications Director Bettina Inclan, only 12 people have walked the Moon so far, all of them male:

"The last man walked on the Moon in 1972. No woman has ever walked the lunar surface."

And that's all from us for today! Have a pleasant day and, if you're in the mood, go out and have a drink with people whose company you enjoy. It could be your last social outing that doesn't end at 10 pm for a while. Because, as the German proverb says:

"It's better to live a life without money than without friends."

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