American Oscar-winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio has once again committed himself to the fight for a clean environment. This time he spoke out against the government in West African Ghana. The United States have stepped up their game when it comes to COVID-19 vaccines. They will support their distribution with billions of dollars. And did you know where and how to get information about city apartments in Brno? We're here to help!
The US will support vaccination with billions of dollars
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Joe Biden, 46. prezident Spojených států americkýchSource:
Today, US President Joe Biden will introduce the $ 2 billion (nearly CZK 43 billion) contribution from the United States to the Global Coronavirus Vaccination Initiative. He will speak with the leaders of the world's G7 market economies today. The United States are doing their best to increase efforts to distribute vaccines to poorer countries, where supply is still very limited and nothing prevents the coronavirus from spreading rapidly. This is the first US contribution to the World Health Organization-led system. Donald Trump delayed this support. Joe Biden has also pledged an additional $ 2 billion, depending on contributions from other nations and meeting vaccine dosing targets. The donation of the money has already been sanctioned by the US Congress.
Brno gives advice on how to obtain city apartments
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Největší město na Moravě, BrnoSource:
Brno residents now have the opportunity to gain information on the offer of city apartments in three ways: by visiting the Contact Point for Housing, from the website, or from a printed brochures. As of yesterday, the brochure Municipal Housing in Brno is available to anyone interested. It can be obtained in the buildings of the Magistrate of the City of Brno and the offices of individual city districts. The city has also launched the website, where information on all types of urban housing will be continuously updated. The Contact Point for Housing on Malinovského náměstí 3 has been operating since the summer.
"The availability of housing in Brno is a burning issue for people of all generations. In addition to building and renovating new apartments, we must improve citizens' awareness of the offer and possibilities of municipal housing. The new information website and brochure will complement the housing contact point that opened last year,"
explained the deputy for housing and property management Jiří Oliva.
Prodej bytu 3+kk, Praha Žižkov - 94, Praha 3
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Elon Musk spoke about bitcoin again
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Elon Musk na konferenci ve WashingtonuSource:
The CEO of Tesla, Inc. has been awfully busy in recent months. His carmaker Tesla as well the technology company SpaceX are doing great. Elon Musk continues to fight Jeff Bezos for the position of the richest man in the world. What's more, Musk's social influence is enormous, as evidenced by the fact that his decision was able to drive the price of the cryptocurrency bitcoin to its historical highs. Tesla bought bitcoins worth $ 1.5 billion (more than 32 billion Czech crowns), stating that it was also taking steps to accepting this currency. Musk has recently spoken on the subject of bitcoin without exaggeration or pomp. He said that owning bitcoins was only slightly better than holding conventional cash. According to his words, it's almost the same as flat money. But the second richest person in the world believes that the word "almost" is what matters. The small difference in favor of bitcoin is reason enough to have your money saved in this cryptocurrency.
The current value of 1 bitcoin (as of 19 February 2021, 06:50) is 51,345 US dollars (1,099 million Czech crowns).
Leonardo DiCaprio fights against mining
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Leonardo DiCaprio na předávání Zlatých GlóbůSource:
The Hollywood actor and environmental activist often gets engaged in environmental causes. He's demonstrated that once again by loudly opposing the Ghanaian government and its mining projects. The actor, who won the Oscar for the role of Hugh Glass in Revenant Resurrection, is trying to raise awareness and get Ghana to abandon the bauxite mining project in the middle of the Atewa Forest Reserve. It is home to approximately 50 species of endangered mammals and provides fresh water to nearly 5 million people, including residents of the capital Accra. DiCaprio points out that this forest reserve of 725 square kilometres is home to more than 1,000 species of plants, almost 600 species of butterflies and more than 200 species of birds.
In 2016, the Ghanaian ruling party agreed with China on using the bauxite deposit. It is determined to extract up to 165 million tons of bauxite, covered by mountain forest. They will receive more than 2 billion US dollars (almost 43 billion Czech crowns) from China for various development projects throughout Ghana. Leonardo DiCaprio has been involved in the case for several months and in January, he supported the NGO A Rocha Ghana, which challenged the case in court on the grounds that bauxite mining violated the Ghanaians' right to a clean environment and water resources.
Exhibition of robotic dinosaurs in Japan
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Kresba robotického dinosauraSource: Hajime Sorayama/ Nanzuka Arts
A very interesting exhibition of robotic dinosaurs called Dinosauria is currently taking place in the NANZUKA Gallery in Tokyo, and it will run until March 7. Japanese illustrator Hajime Sorayama has been depicting these impressive creatures in this way for many years. The 73-year-old artist became famous mainly for his precisely detailed illustrations of female robots. In his own words, he loved dinosaurs ever since he was a child. That is why he dedicated a whole new exhibition of two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art to these extinct creatures. Visitors can find a Stegosaurus or Triceratops with metal motifs in the illustrations. There is also a statue of a robotized Tyrannosaurus. Some motifs from this exhibition can be purchased by dinosaur lovers from all over the world. In March, a special collection of clothes for this exhibition will be available, created in cooperation with the Japanese clothing brand UNIQLO.
We couldn't possibly fit more news into the last Early Bird of this workweek. We wish you a peaceful weekend spent in the company of people you love. The German philosopher Immanuel Kant already knew that:
"One of the undoubted and pure joys is rest after work."
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