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Early Bird: Biden officially appointed presidential candidate, stock prices are soaring, Wu-chan doesn't worry about coronavirus anymore

Martina Šmalclová
19.Aug 2020
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2 minutes
Joe Biden

We wish you a great Wednesday! Which recent events made LP-Life really excited? Come and have a look with us at what makes the world go round!

Joe Biden officially appointed US presidential candidate

Democrats have officially appointed Joe Biden as their presidential candidate. He should formally accept the nomination this Thursday. He defeated more than twenty competitors, who'd also longed to move into the White House. The November elections will show, if he manages to beat Donald Trump, too.

The US stock market is awakening to life: S&P 500 at new highs

The S&P 500 stock index, which includes shares of the 500 largest companies listed on the US stock market, reached a steady recovery after an extreme crush due to the coronavirus crisis. Since its low from March 23, it has now achieved more than 50% profit.

Pronájem luxusní vily 7+1, Praha - Západ – 373
Pronájem luxusní vily 7+1, Praha - Západ – 373,

Malian President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta resigned

To avoid any bloodshed, Malian President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta decided to resign, simultaneously dissolving the government and parliament. This was done on the basis of past events, when soldiers had arrested the president, along with Prime Minister Bouba Ciss and other top officials, during a coup.

"If it pleased certain elements of our military to decide this should end with their intervention, do I really have a choice?"

the president let himself be heard from a military base in Kati outside the capital Bamako, where he had previously been detained.

Wu-chan: The incorrigible Chinese gathered in a crowded water park

Looks like in Wu-chan, people don't give a crap about the coronavirus anymore! The city where the global pandemic had originated hosted an electronic music festival. And if you think some coronavirus measures must have been in place, you couldn't be more wrong! Thousands of people without face masks flocked to the Wuhan Maya Beach water park, keeping little to no distance from each other. It seems that on the other side of the globe, fear of the virus has completely evaporated...

Like father, like son: Charlie Woods crushed his competition at the US Kids tournament

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, at least in the case of professional golf player Tiger Woods. He should be rightfully proud of his son Charlie, who follows in his footsteps and is great at it! Most recently, he celebrated success at the US Kids Junior Golf Tournament in Palm City, Florida, where he crushed his competition like a pro. The young talented golfer played three shots under par on a nine-hole course.

Japanese city bans "smart-walking"

How many times have you forgotten to look around before crossing the street, because youre face was plastered to your phone? It happens to all of us. They are well aware of this risk in faraway Japan, which is why they decided on a simple and effective solution. In Yamato, people will have to stop using smartphone on the go! There's a little problem, though, there are literally no sanctions for breaching the regulation. The Japanese thus rely on the discipline and obedience of their citizens. We can only assume how effective a similar measure would be in the Czech Republic...

That's all from us for today. We hope you're work day will fly by fast. And if you already having a mid-week crisis, triggered by the fact that the weekend seems to be out of sight, try to collect yourself and pull through. As the successful jazz singer Frank Sinatra said:

"The best revenge is a massive success." let's work on it together!

Luxusní byt po rekonstrukci Praha 1 - 69m
Luxusní byt po rekonstrukci Praha 1 - 69m, Praha 1

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