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There is nobody who lives in Prague who has not visited this street. Formerly an important trade route, nowadays a place with a concentration of gourmet enterprises and luxury nightclubs. Dlouhá is the place where it is all happening!

Dlouhá třída – the place where it is all happening!

Eva Ledecká
16.Jun 2017
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1 minute
Gurmánské podniky Dlouhé třídy

The luxurious Dlouhá třída is located in the Old Town in the city district of Prague 1 and links the Old Town Square with Revoluční ulice. It is one of the oldest streets in the city with a history dating back to 1310.

Butiky módních návrhářek
House U Zlatého Stromu
Dlouhá třída,View of Old Town Square

An important trade route

In the 14th century, Dlouhá třída linked the Old Town Square, which at that time was represented by a marketplace, with the settlement of Poříčí. It was precisely through here, on the site of today’s Dlouhá třída, that one of the main trade routes led, continuing in the direction of Petrské náměstí and then on to Štvanice.

The name of the street is derived from its length and has been used since the 14th century. At that time, it was the longest in the whole of Prague with a length of 520 metres.

Many historical buildings on the street were demolished and replaced with new ones in terms of redevelopment. Despite this, you can still find some historical buildings here, the most important of which is the “U Zlatého Stromu” building with a luxurious Renaissance arcaded court. The building houses the famous “Klub 2. Patro” and is located a stone’s throw from the legendary Roxy music club and the popular NoD bar.

Luxusní byt k pronájmu Praha 1 - 136m
Luxusní byt k pronájmu Praha 1 - 136m, Praha 1

Paradise for gourmets and lovers of cultural life

Dlouhá třída is one of the main gastronomic streets in Prague, where new establishments spring up like mushrooms and offer quality in a modern style.

Even if you wanted to spend the whole day on Dlouhá, you certainly wouldn’t get bored. Apart from other things, you will find here the luxury restaurant Lokál from the Ambiente chain or the Prague Beer Museum, famed for its wide range of beers from minibreweries. Another place of interest is Food Story, where a pub, shop, café and bistro are all housed under one roof.

As far as culture is concerned, during the day you can visit the luxury Dvorak Sec Contemporary gallery and in the evening, attend a performance at the Divadlo v Dlouhé theatre. The leading Czech designers Natali Ruden, Beata Rajská and Klára Nademlýnská also have boutiques next to each other on the street. 

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