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Some Czechs deal with anti-coronavirus measures in their own way.

Czech people deal with government measures in their own way. Packing their suitcases and extending their vacations

Karolína Lišková
24.Oct 2020
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2 minutes
Žena ve slamáku na pláži

Anyone who can, packs the suitcase and heads straight to the airport. There are still countries where we - Czechs, riddled with coronavirus - are welcomed with open arms. Many people have decided to fly to Africa, where the weather is still nice, and the numbers of coronavirus infected people are low.

Tunisia, for example, does not require from Czech tourists a quarantine or a negative PCR test after the arrival. However, the condition is to arrive with a travel agent that vouches for his clients. You do not have to take the test or quarantine even after returning.

"We have currently 80 clients on the island of Djerba. The interest is really high, according to them, people want to escape the restrictions that are imposed in our republic,"

said to sales director of the travel agency Fantasy Travel Šárka Holakovská, adding that thanks to the enormous demand, the flight operation was even extended, the current end is scheduled for the end of November.

"We see a great interest on the part of our clients to extend the summer, throw their worries away, get some vitamin D and fly to the sea for sunny weather. Destinations such as the Tunisian island of Djerba or Egypt can undoubtedly offer high-quality services at affordable prices,"

agrees Lenka Pátek, Sales Director of the Blue Style travel agency.

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Turisté dovádí v bazénu.
Turisté dovádí v bazénu. Source: archiv Royal Karthago Resort & Thalasso

Prodej pozemku 1200 m2, Praha
Prodej pozemku 1200 m2, Praha, Praha 5

Extension of stays

An extension of existing stays is no exception.

"I've been here for almost a month and I'm not missing anything. I run my business from here. Why would I go home when the weather is bad and the government is even more disgusting?"

confided a Prague businesswoman who, according to her own words, returns to Tunisia regularly.

"This year we have also registered a record number of applications for extension of stay during October, especially after the declaration of the state of emergency. However, due to aircraft being overbooked, it was not possible to satisfy all clients. As long as they do not have to return to the Czech Republic, clients didn’t mind the amount that they have to pay for the extension of stay, which in some cases is, in addition to accommodation, another flight ticket,"

added Holakovská.

"Unfortunately we did not manage to extend our stay because the tickets are no longer available. We would like to stay with our family for another week,"

confided a parent from Tábor.

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Hotelový komplex s bazeném a moře z ptačí perspektivy.
Hotelový komplex s bazeném a moře z ptačí perspektivy.Source:

To Egypt with a test

Another popular destination is Egypt, that requires a test from the Czechs upon arrival. If you don't have the test with you, it doesn't matter, as at Hurghada airport they do speed tests, which are paid by the travel agency. If the client is positive without symptoms, they will quarantine at the hotel where they booked the vacation.

After returning from Egypt, the client is obliged to have another PCR test done, thus undergo quarantine, and wait for the result. Up to the amount of 1,750 crowns per person and after presenting the document, but not later than within 14 days, the test is again reimbursed by the Blue Style office.

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Lidé cvičí jógu v moři.
Lidé cvičí jógu v moři.Source: archiv Royal Karthago Resort & Thalasso

"We are glad that we can fly away, we're taking the kids too, they can study from anywhere. We will gain at least a bit of energy and vitamin D,"

says a family from České Budějovice shortly before departure, hoping that when they return, the state of emergency will be over.

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