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What did this Christmas look like at Czech and Slovak celebrities?

Celebrities on Christmas Eve: Remembering the deceased, all smiles selfies and first Christmas as a family

Šárka Peková
26.Dec 2020
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5 minutes
Monika Bagárová s Makhmudem Muradovem a dcerou Ruminkou

Christmas is without a doubt the most wonderful holiday of the year, which most of us is looking forward to, despite the current unfortunate coronavirus situation. We all enjoy the peace and quiet around the Christmas tree and the time spent with our loved ones. Famous people celebrate the Christmas in a similar way and it's them who like to share the family Christmas photos the most. Let's join us at LP-Life and have a peek at how their famous homes looked like this year!

Richard Krajčo and Karin Krajčo Babinská

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Richard Krajčo s manželkou Karin
Richard Krajčo s manželkou KarinSource: Archiv Richarda Krajča a Karin Krajčo Babinské

The famous Czech singer spent the Christmas Eve with his wife Karin.

"Wonderful, peaceful and blessed holiday in the company of our loved ones. Keeping everyone who cannot be with us in our thoughts. They are in our hearts. May all the good Angels stand by us,"

posted the Krajčo family along with their Christmas picture, clutching to each other under the tree.

The Kryštof frontman published The Christmas Song shortly before the holidays, which he had recorded together with the legendary Karel Gott. He also shared that he'd written the song 2 years ago and spent a great deal of time finding the courage to call the Maestro asking him if he wanted to collaborate on it. After some time, the Maestro called him asking if he'd like to try something else with him and his daughter Charlotte. Only then did Krajčo learn that Gott was terminally ill. Krajčo's wife Karin Krajčo Babinská helped with creating the music video. And it clearly shows that it's not only a tribute to their deceased loved ones, but to Mr. Gott himself as well.

Majk Spirit and wife Marie

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Majk Spirit s manželkou Marií a dcerou Arií
Majk Spirit s manželkou Marií a dcerou AriíSource: Archiv Majka Spirita

Slovak rapper Majk Spirit got emotional over his little daughter Aria's first Christmas, which they celebrated together with his wife Maria.

"I don't want anything from Baby Jesus, as we already have one baby at home. Merry Christmas everyone, for those who can gather together, enjoy the time with your families, it's not to be taken for granted,"

the famous musician captioned his touching picture.

Michal Dušička, better known by his stage name Majk Spirit, has had a great year, at least in his private life. Apart from his daughter being born, he also got engaged with his partner, a Ukrainian model Maria. The lovebirds got married in the summer in front of their close relatives and they also announced they were expecting their first child. Majk Spirit became a proud father on October 1, 2020, and it seems that he's hopelessly in love with both his wife and their daughter.

Monika Bagárová and Makhmud Muradov

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Monika Bagárová s Makhmudem Muradovem a dcerou Ruminkou
Monika Bagárová s Makhmudem Muradovem a dcerou RuminkouSource: Archiv Moniky Bagárové

It was the very first Christmas for the daughter of a singer Monika Bagárová and MMA fighter Makhmud Muradov. Last year, they announced Monika's pregnancy in a Christmas tree post, and they spent this Christmas already as a family.

"Now our treasure is with us, our little girl. Life got a totally different meaning. We are looking forward to our first Christmas with Rumi,"

said happy Monika, who had yet another reason to celebrate, as her younger sister Natálie got engaged.

"What a beautiful evening. Natálka and Míša, I am so happy for you, may God bless you in your whole life that you decided to share. I will be standing by your side with the whole family," posted very touched Monika. At the Bagár family, Christmas is all about the quality time spent with family and friends. The singer herself is enjoying the maternity leave since the end of May.

Roman Vojtek and Petra Vojtková

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Roman Vojtek s manželkou Petrou a synem Nathanielem
Roman Vojtek s manželkou Petrou a synem NathanielemSource: Archiv Romana Vojtka

The actor and singer Roman Vojtek spent the Christmas Eve with his wife Petra and their one-month old son Nathaniel, who was born exactly a month ago, on November 24.

"We already received our present a month ago... the most beautiful one. Have a lovely holiday, dear friends, and spend them with those whom you love, and those who love you. Good night, and thank you, Baby Jesus!"

shared Vojtek with his followers. His wife Petra has confined that she was crying with joy in front of the Christmas tree.

Even before the birth of his third child, the famous actor was fighting with covid, which he likely got from his other children that he has with his ex-wife Tereza Vojtková. Therefore, all of them had to be quarantined. His second wife Petra was 9 month pregnant at that time, so she chose to move out and avoided getting infected. Luckily everything turned out well and they can enjoy their time together now.

Prodej luxusní vily 7+kk, Praha východ - 370m2
Prodej luxusní vily 7+kk, Praha východ - 370m2, Okolí Prahy

Markéta Konvičková

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Markéta Konvičková s dcerou Amálií
Markéta Konvičková s dcerou AmáliíSource: Archiv Markéty Konvičkové

Czech singer Markéta Konvičková is another famous person who spent this Christmas as a 3-member family for the first time. Together with her fiancé, a pilot and a former commentator René Kuboš, the couple was enjoying the Christmas peace and quiet with their 3 months old daughter Amálka.

The pregnancy itself was a blessing for the singer. In the past, the talented artist had been fighting with a rare ovarian tumor and was on medication, which made her lose her hair and get a lot of swelling in her body. But everything turned out well in the end, Markéta got pregnant and gave birth to a healthy baby girl in September, despite the fact that Amálka was born a few weeks earlier.

"Our biggest Christmas present. I wouldn't wish for anything else. It's a blessing to have a healthy family,"

the happy singer posted under one of her Christmas pictures.

Simona Krainová and Karel Vágner

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Simona Krainová s rodinou
Simona Krainová s rodinouSource: Archiv Simony Krainové

This year, the Czech top model didn't rely on perfectly stylish Christmas photos, but instead opted for authentic pictures capturing sincere happiness and love. She boasted with the most beautiful presents made by her sons Bruno and Max with a message that said: "Mommy, I love you" and "Best mom in the world". Simona herself added that these presents were the best because they had been made with pure love. Her husband Karel Vágner and their beloved puppy Angela, which the popular model got this summer, couldn't be missing at the Christmas picture.

However, the director and patron of the modeling agency Czechoslovak TopModel faced criticism because of her new puppy. Her social media followers accused her of getting the extremely small chihuahua from a breeding farm. Simona kept her cool and proved them wrong by informing about the origin of her dog. Then the famous vet Jiří Žák criticized her. He didn't like a video where puppy Angela chews on a small stick, which, according to him, can cause issues for the tiny dog. But criticized or not, the puppy looks absolutely fine and they celebrated their first Christmas together with the family.

Dara Rolins a Matěj Homola

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Dara Rolins s dcerou Laurou a Matějem Homolou
Dara Rolins s dcerou Laurou a Matějem HomolouSource: Archiv Dary Rolins

Slovak singer Dara Rolins spent the holiday together with the father of her daughter Laura, Matěj Homola. The famous Slovak who lives in Czechia has shared a peaceful Christmas selfie. Although the singer hasn't been living with the Wohnout band frontman for ages, they get along fine and they make sure to finish the holidays on the right note each year.

"Our 'first' Christmas. A tradition that we always repeat as a family since forever. Always a day early, at Matěj's home today. I am very lucky to have such a great family. Both of us. A great family in every way,"

the singer captioned in her picture under the Christmas tree. Lovely Dara Rolins is still single after her breakup with the Slovak rapper Rytmus, but her Christmas will be always spent with a man by her side thanks to their tradition.

We hope you spent this Christmas Eve with your loved ones, like our Czech and Slovak celebrities...

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