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Cake-like dresses, Marie Antoinette in denim and pink hair! One hell of a Moschino collection!

Martina Šmalclová
24.Feb 2020
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3 minutes

That Jeremy!

The French Revolution dominated by Marie Antoinette in combination with 80s denim and eccentric wigs? Who else could come up with such a luxurious and fresh combination but Jeremy Scott, who is at the head of the brand Moschino? Cake-shaped dresses are just the icing on the c... erm, they're pretty damn awesome!

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Názor PROTI PROUDU: Martina Šmalclová

Pink it's the color of passion

Thanks to the sweet pink and all the ruffles and bows, this collection looks like it was designed by Mattel, but don't let yourselves be fooled. These pieces are really intended to be worn by your adult selves. When we saw the pink whirlwind, we expected Aerosmith to appear on the catwalk any moment and start singing "Pink it's my new obsession..."

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Marie Antionette would have loved denim

We have no doubt that if Marie Antoinette were to choose between a bodice and corset reinforced with whalebone (in which she definitely couldn't have been able to breathe properly) and sexy denim, she would have gone for the latter option - if not, she would have been a fool!

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Hide those child-bearing hips

Jeremy Scott probably thought even of those women who don't have the sought-after 90-60-90, and that's pretty damn good! Yes, some of the frilly skirts look more like an umbrella, but take it as a bonus - in these models, rain has no chance of getting into your new pumps and your feet will stay dry.

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Snacking with no regrets

You can eat as many of these luxury Moschino models as you want, and you know what? You won't gain a single pound and on top of that, you'll look positively delectable. That Jeremy Scott is a piece of work all right, isn't he?! We're looking forward to his next crazy ride.


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Go to the store

More models from the luxury Fall 2020 collection can be found in the gallery at the end of the article.

Prodej luxusního bytu 3kk v Pařížské ulici
Prodej luxusního bytu 3kk v Pařížské ulici, Praha 1

Martina Šmalclová

Názor PROTI PROUDU: Anděla Vostrá

Colors everywhere you look

Spring has sprung! Not yet according to the calendar, but according to Jeremy Scott, the man behind Moschino, and his new collection. Personally, I love bright colors, but I'm asking myself if I really want to be walking around with pink hair á la March Simpson in the third millenium and if I want to look like a cake, in which case I would have to endure supremely awkward pick-up lines such as: "You look good enough to eat today!" But I have to admit that the idea is good. After seeing the Gucci collection, at least now I have a smile on my face.


Because I'm blond, I know I look good in gold. This model is great - whether you intend to wear it at work, for a date or to a feminist meeting. I know that if nothing else, I will inspire respect in others and that the sun will be shining in my heart.

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Black and white never gets boring

Pretty much everyone, including me, loves to combine black and white. What I'd really like to highlight about this model, though, is the shape of the skirt. Your hips can be as wide as a mare's and it won't matter. You might not be able to fit in a toilet stall, but this look is worth it.

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Blue is good

Generally, blue color is good. Moreover, onion porcelain is still a big hit in the Czech Republic, so this model is TOP for me.

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Circus clown

It's going to be my niece's birthday soon. I've spent a good while racking my brain what would be the best surprise for the five-year-old princess who loves clowns. Now I know! I'm gonna buy this costume. She'll be excited.

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Pink, only pink

Ilona Csáková would pale with envy. Just like me. This model is really great, so I'm wondering if the ball season is still running, because any gray mouse will shine in this dress. As far as I'm concerned, you don't need silicones at all, the model is crafted so well that all bosoms will swell with pride like from a plastic surgeon.

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Hunky bride

Almost every collection contains a dress that evokes wedding bells. I don't get why prospective brides spend so much time choosing their dress in all kinds of wedding salons, when they could just look at a few collections of world-famous designers. A non-traditional wedding can start! Ladies, if your shoulders are a bit too broad and you'd like to hide it, this model is custom-tailored for you.

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Anděla Vostrá
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