Today, the government discussed a tightening of anti-epidemic measures. Due to the deteriorating situation, they decided to move from the third to the fourth level of the anti-epidemic system DOG, starting this Friday, December 18 from midnight. Restaurants and hotels are about to close again. Shops and services, on the other hand, will remain open this time.
"We have been considering this for a very long time, despite the fact that the number of patients in hospitals is stable, around 4,200. However, more than 9,600 people have died of COVID-19 throughout the year. The numbers are rising. The reproduction number is 1.2 and we must act immediately. With such a trend, we would be taking a risk,”
Free movement of persons will be restricted again. Curfew will apply between 11pm and 5am. The gathering will be limited to 6 persons. Church ceremonies are allowed to take place with 20% capacity.
The government has decided not to close stores and services, not even on Sunday. Visits to social facilities will also continue to be allowed, thanks to antigenic tests, which make it possible to stabilize health in homes for the elderly. Testing of visitors and staff remains unchanged; it's not possible to visit your loved ones without a negative test.
The distance of two meters as well as limited number of customers will continue to apply in stores. Restaurants and hotels, however, will be closed without exception.
"Sunday is not a day when shops are closed. The ban on shopping on Sundays will not be renewed. The reason why this does not apply to restaurants and hotels is that there are a growing number of studies that show that people are closer to each other when eating and cannot wear a face mask. The risk of transmission is thus doubled,”
The Ministry of Education has decided to extend the Christmas holidays. Instead of the planned Tuesday, December 22, students will go to school for the last time on Friday, December 18. Schools will remain in level three until the end of the week. Kindergartens and universities will start operating according to the fourth level of the DOG system on December 21.
Free voluntary antigenic testing for coronavirus will begin on Wednesday, December 16. Originally, the ministry wasn't planning to start until Friday, December 18. All citizens with health insurance can take part in the testing. The test can only be repeated once every five days.
"The next step, and the main and most important solution, is vaccination. We will continue to prepare a professional plan with the experts tomorrow morning,"
"Christmas will be different this year. We won't miss out on skiing and snow, however. From Friday, December 18, it will be ski lifts will be able to operate, restrictions will apply only to restaurants and hotels,"