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The government met again today at 2 pm to discuss the current epidemic situation in the Czech Republic.

Higher compensation bonus, but harsher penalties for non-compliance. The government has announced what is going to change

Martina Šmalclová
08.Feb 2021
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2 minutes
Jan Hamáček

On Thursday, the Chamber of Deputies will decide on the extension of the state of emergency, which is currently valid until 14 February. After today's press conference, it is clear that the government will ask for an extension for another 30 days, until March 16. At the same time, the ministers have announced several changes. In addition to the new system of compensation, the government also approved Jan Hamáček's proposal, which expands the existing register of offenses to include offenses committed under the Crisis Act. Furthermore, the government outlined when some students might return to school, and whether the Russian vaccine could be an option.

New compensation system

Today, the government approved a new system of compensation for entrepreneurs and companies affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Instead of the current 500 crowns, the compensation bonus for entrepreneurs increases to 1,000 crowns per day. Employers will also receive 500 crowns per day for each employee. The condition for obtaining the bonus is a decrease in revenues of at least 50 percent. An amendment to the Compensation Bonus Act must be adopted before the change enters into force.

A financial injection in an amount of 600 million crowns is being prepared for trade fairs and congresses. They will have to prove evidence of a year-on-year decrease in turnover for the months of March to October by at least 30 percent. The Antivirus program will continue as well.

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Karel Havlíček
Karel HavlíčekSource: Ladislav Křivan / MAFRA / Profimedia

Register of infringements and tougher sanctions

At today's meeting of the government, the proposal of the Minister of the Interior, Jan Hamáček, which expands the existing register of infringements to include offenses committed under the Crisis Act, was approved. The police could thus gain an overview of who repeatedly violates government regulations against the spread of Covid-19. A fine of up to 30,000 crowns could now be imposed on individuals, and up to four million on companies and entrepreneurs. A disqualification order for up to one year is also an option.

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Jan Hamáček
Jan HamáčekSource: Profimedia

Prodej bytu 4+1, Praha 1 - 135
Prodej bytu 4+1, Praha 1 - 135, Praha 1

Children will return to school in March at the earliest

Regarding the much-discussed topic of returning children to school benches, the government has not yet set a fixed date. At the same time, however, they admitted that it probably wouldn't happen before March. They want to open schools mainly for graduates and 9th graders. However, their return will be preceded by a testing system. The strategy is currently being developed.

Russian vaccine

One of the questions asked at the press conference w whether asthe government was considering making the use of FFP2 respirators mandatory. This was refuted by the Minister of Health Jan Blatný, who also explained what the situation was with the Russian Sputnik vaccine.

"Currently, we are not considering making the use of FFP2 respirators mandatory. But experts agreed that this is the thing that has the greatest potential to reduce the possibility of infection. As for the Russian vaccine, if it is approved for the European Union, then it will be on an equal footing with all other vaccines,"

stated Jan Blatný.

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Jan Blatný s rouškou
Jan Blatný s rouškouSource: Milan Malíček / Právo / Profimedia

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