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Another year of one of the most prestigious fashion events in the Czech Republic begins! And when we're talking about fashion week, don't expect anything extravagant - the opening was overtaken by a line-up of black widows!

MBPFW grand opening: A showcase of black widows and awkward outfits!

Martina Šmalclová
31.Aug 2019
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Actress Jitka Schneiderová, musician Terezie Kovalová, blogger Ina T., designer Vanda Janda or models Nikol Švantnerová, Jitka Nováčková, Kristýna Schicková, Michaela Kociánová and Denisa Dvořáková are among the attendees of the opening party of Mercedes-Benz Prague Fashion Week at Invalidovna. How did they look? Fashion Upstream took a look at that!

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Názor PROTI PROUDU: Martina Šmalclová

Jitka Nováčková: She wore Balmain and aged 10 years

The beautiful blonde looked stunning in her houndstooth pattern Balmain model. Her choice of shoes and a clutch purse was flawless and the golden details gave the outfit the oomph it needed. One thing's a pity though - the outfit made her look needlessly older! Fortunately her flawless figure redeems everything; many colleagues from the business can envy her that!

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Source: Michaela Feuereislová

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Kristýna Schicková: An influx of energy, but what about those shoes?!

The cheerful model Kristýna Schicková delighted us with her chic outfit. The vivid yellow was a feast for our eyes in the flood of black! The HUGO suit fit Kristýna perfectly and we must praise her choice of earrings as well. What haunts us at night are the shoes! Either Kristýna forgot to wash those, or she damaged them on the way, and we don't know which one's worse! Go home and change!

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Source: Michaela Feuereislová

Vanda Janda: Slovak oomph with a dash of pink

This grey oversize suit decorated with fuchsia and sweet pink was worn by the Slovak fashion designer Vanda Janda. Even though it looks like Vanda stole the jacket from her boyfriend Slávek, we welcome this king of extravagance during fashion weeks, so Vanda gets a green light from us!

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Source: Michaela Feuereislová

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Michaela Kociánová and Denisa Dvořáková: Sexy leather-clad beauties

The modeling stars decided to wear the new brand Farah x Michaela K, which was introduced by the Slovak top model at the Elite Model Look 2019 finale. Sexy and daring fashion was the thing that was sorely lacking at the MBPFW opening ceremony and Denisa and Michaela compensated for this with their outfits.

We like Denisa Dvořáková's luxurious outfit significantly better, because the combination of white, bordeaux and black is perfect!

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Source: Michaela Feuereislová

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On the other hand, Michaela Kociánová's outfit seems a bit shallow and cheap. What's causing that? The boots! Always think carefully before combining those with a mini skirt!

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Source: Michaela Feuereislová

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Kateřina Klausová: Sequins and lurex from head to toe

The gentle blonde was the only one to go for silver! With her outfit consisting of a white shirt, silver pants, a headband and moccasins she was definitely noticeable and beat a half of the stars present! We especially like the top half, the bottom half calls for change. We understand that Kateřina needed to be 100% comfortable, so we'll make an exception this time!

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Source: Michaela Feuereislová

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Jitka Schneiderová bet on a black classic

The popular actress bet on simple black elegance. Her dress from the Self-Portrait boutique isn't bad at all, quite the opposite, but combined with a BVLGARI clutch bag and black strap pumps it's a little bit boring...

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Source: Michaela Feuereislová

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Terezie Kovalová: Naughty sneakers

Terezie Kovalová showed up at the event wearing an outfit by Karl Lagerfeld. Even though we prefer the variant that Kristýna wore, that being a suit with high heels, it's somehow matching for Terezie to wear a purse and sneakers with bold animal print. For the rest of you, though - we advise to stay away from that!

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Source: Michaela Feuereislová

Nikol Švantnerová: From bed straight to MBPFW?

While she's usually a star, this time she completely bombed in our rankings. Model Nikol Švantnerová seemed tired and lifeless in a model by Ivana Mentlová and Pietro Filipi, as if she'd just gotten out of bed. Her odd make-up also didn't help - too much highlighter maybe?

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Source: Michaela Feuereislová

Ina T.: A rapper from the Bronx?

Blogger Ina T. showed up at Invalidovna in a model by designer Pavel Brejcha. Thanks to her extravagant hairdo and combat boots she looked like the edgiest rapper from the Bronx and didn't hit it off at all!

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Source: Michaela Feuereislová

Prodej luxusního rodinného domu na Praze 6
Prodej luxusního rodinného domu na Praze 6, Praha 6

Martina Šmalclová

Názor PROTI PROUDU: Anděla Vostrá

Do you know why I like events such as the Mercedes Benz Prague Fashion Week? Because celebrities are bolder in dressing up and aren't afraid to experiment. But this year... I hope it won't be the exception that proves the rule! This year's opening resembled a funeral, and everyone apparently thought that they can't go wrong with black. I have nothing against black, black is sexy, but most black models looked like their wearers were minutes from death. And the expressions! Isn't it IN anymore to smile at least a little?

Jitka Nováčková: Granny style!

Jitka might be beautiful and lively as always, the Balmain outfit is actually okay too, but dear god, Jitka! Wear that when you're like fifty! I get it, we're revisiting the past again in fashion (dear god, why again?) and you're IN according to the latest trends, but gold clips on the shoes, houndstooth on the suit, and that bag... This is something an aging Jitka should wear many years into the future! When we'll have hovercrafts instead of cars...

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Source: Michaela Feuereislová

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Denisa Dvořáková: Hot chick

The wine colored leather skirt with a white shirt is exactly what I'd wear if I didn't have cellulite, a sagging belly and wasn't afraid to look like a prostitute off the street. Denisa looks great in this, though, and she fortunately does not have my flaws. Thus she totally steamrolled the rest of these black zombies. She's simply a world class model and knows how to dress. Her outfit is from a Farah x Michaela K collection.

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Source: Michaela Feuereislová

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Kateřina Klausová: Shining beauty

A competent outfit for an event such as MBPFW, thank you, Katka! Finally somebody who dressed up and shone, literally! The silver headband's absolutely stunning! I'm just not too crazy about the shoes and would prefer strap pumps with it, but I understand that you'd probably end up killing yourself in those by the end of the night with that crutch.

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Source: Michaela Feuereislová

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Bad girls: Wear this as Halloween costumes

I can't pinpoint anyone who totally messed up this time, because this year everyone was drowning in a sea of black! Jitka Schneiderová who wore a Self-Portrait dress is a big disappointment for me. If I wasn't used to her perfect outfits from the festival at Karlovy Vary, I probably wouldn't think twice about her dress. But Jitka in black is unknown to me. She's lost in it, it makes her look older! Although, don't worry, Jitka! You weren't the worst.

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Source: Michaela Feuereislová

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Terezie Kovalová looks like Morticia and Nikol Švantnerová, who's able to shine anywhere at all times, looks like she borrowed a piece of a dead animal out of her grandma's wardrobe and cut some sort of a bathrobe out of it. The only thing interesting about her outfit would be if she'd gone commando under that bathrobe. Okay, I know that the model á la dead animal isn't from her grandma's closet, it was designed by Ivana Mentlová who's probably delighted by her creation, but for me it really looks like a piece of rag.

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Source: Michaela Feuereislová

Anděla Vostrá
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